Martha Gellhorn was a very perplexing person.  She told me in her letter, “you cannot mean that,” when she obviously knew I do.  Would she still think so now after Covid?  Would she examine herself as having set up the opening hatch for the terrifying action?  How many more are to come now that the Nature of Reality has been ruled the final judge?

      The University of Pittsburgh was understandably furious that she had written to me, after all their Chancellor had participated in the poison crime murder of a senior faculty member while Emeritus at a retirement school and driving a schoolbus for sport.   However, much of the letter itself was cold comfort to the bereaved and bought time for Nordenberg to make even better on his formulas for alien batshit use as utility function for paranoidization of dissent and its exampling.  I’ll get back to that last sentence because it is a little complex and worthy of address but it also illustrates what they are hoping to achieve today.

      If you look at my poem, Raft of the Medusa, in light of the linguistic anthropology about their death cult at CMU, Z Socratic Oath, an omerta from Rockefeller’s gang from Swarthmore, you see how they expect someone with limited time is desired to react to their super-induction based on encryptions promoting extracurricular learning as a form of mandatory and illegal supercult Draft.  They expect it to make sense to them, not to others.  Watch the queerbait’s riddle of the Sphinx, as my father cried out on his deathbed for help concerning it, unfold within the object lesson’s mind.  The rabid simply cannot get it through its licky chops head that bait is evidence and entrapment of this sort particularly wildly illegal.  It is too ravenous with sport and illegal fight clubs as its turf in gangland overthrow, the alliance of Dixon and Warhol.  On this point the high courts spinsters howled in the mania of Hitler Nuns until at lost ducking under their chairs to hide from Ramos and his covid bonus machine.

      This letter is about a murderer who kidnapped and tortured me as a child for being a pretty high value American and then tore the gold caps off my teeth claiming I owe him for services rendered.  It is about the evidence that covid was a bomb and the extreme sadism of Martin Sheen pushing the parochial snivel as a mass murdering honor code.  All of which is a major factor in the way that the government attempted to cover for Gellhorn’s legitimate concern.  The lackluster response of Section 8 Intelligence squads who provided camera men for the heist is to pout with Corrections about pornography files after they raided my home, Jackie Onassis style, with a fiance la kita, and chemically castrated me in a convoluted presentation of their capacity for lies of mania.

       Some of this played out when Santorum bested Harris Wofford in Pennsylvania, land of murder by special police protection.   It was already significantly weird there.   Alternative Conflict Resolution had set up shop around the signifiers even used by Hunt Library before they changed at union insistence over to Library of Congress.  The Dewey Decimals were too telltale in ways that the intellectuals of science had riddled the collection in advance around Leslie Katz, playing out as they marched students into the sky in search of the Challenger.  Yes, that place is criminally insane, and very foreign.  But foreign madness at CMU is largely controlled by Bush and the union murderers who keep tabs on the Salvation Army rabble who are locked out but kept entertained, largely by theft and fighting.   Salvation Army in Seattle closed in preparedness for the covid bomb, making ready.  Needing a large audience to deceive in stakes suspiciously high and a prey suspiciously chosen, Ming Na Wen tried to seduce me in the hopes of forever classifying my intelligence as off-limits.  Meanwhile, Penis Gabriel worked the scrambler over an impacted neurotrauma, lisping of soothsay and status porno.

        Like the murder of Anna Politkovskaya, the government of Inslee’s travestite voyeur Secret Service hooligans set up shop around a system that seemingly allows private therapy for a writer punished by erectile dysfunction for protesting rape as a closure unitstatement by the DIalectical UW-ist military sociologists on their rampage over failure to perform with a virgin, lacking in the MAS (masculinity) power index required by the services.  In other words, the internet Gore created is loaded with the West Wing’s prime directive:  get to Michael Reagan’s favorite scene some more or trannies for Melanie Flynt will have you, have you and have you and have you.  Who gives a fuck about those fucking Kennedys?

        Although Martha Gellhorn hedged enough to let this slide and leave child mutilationism unquestioned while Rev. Jackson’s division railed it was a white, THE WHITE! She still said it best.  Speaking of Dachau - it never did any man any good whatsoever to cry out from this place.  Pittsburgh and Pitt, under Nordenberg, were their very own, one man Nazi Germany.  Ringo Starr, working with John Shulman, tagged his agency Starsinic for the hidden pun of arsenic, Starr and cynic.  In other words, AIDS was foreplay for the Royal reamings yet to come.

            All so Yoko Ono could let out a horrible Hillary laugh, this dishonorable piece of shit that cudda saved the Beatles was the motherfucker who dropped a zuklear bomb on Hiroshima.  Bob Dylan did the rest, “JFK had to pay and pay.”  Even the liberal hold the line ~ Mr. President him he he he by default inherently not guilty.  But let’s see if Jimmuh C. is half the Houdini that Duke of Windsor could be, could be.

         Flip, for all his tong, was always a fairweather rock star.  Barbara Walton had the pour recreational sadist heartbroken and Jimmy Creary hitchhiked to St. Louis just to hear him play.  Ever since he has been locked in rams horns with Paul McCartney over whether death by AIDS is fitting.  AIDS, being their weapon, being also their fallback weapon.   How did America sink to being this evil?  Seattle, in a word.

            So that’s what this means.  Flip and Nordenberg make great covid bomb chums fermenting the cesspool of the N.O.R. (Nature of Reality) demanding you subscribe or face down upon the prison grate kisser of sheen toe with kidneys that Shulman wants if you don’t get to Michael Reagan’s favorite scene some more, rich motherfucker.