Politics often involve classes of people.  For example, what you might call the politics of my own involve people who would bother to fact-check the claim of delusion by reading material.  The class targeted by the murder of Saoirse Kennedy are the dumbbell types, Kristie Weisert, Kate Hayford sorts who would rather go right on signing their surrenders to criminals than evaluate the murder of their own grannies and friends.  Murder, for the Trump farm, is just another market.  Guilt complexes among the victims work.  He makes them feel it is something they have done and that it arrives as a form of social science and they therefore ignore the danger posed by the death of their own, saying not hehn, but oh, well.  When Trump laid a White Rose at Tree of Life in Pittsburgh he was mongering that the plot to kill Saoirse was revenge.  That the Tree of Life incident had nothing at all to do with me or her means nothing to a troupe who get off hotwiring fingerpointers my direction, encouraged by the likes of Dune.  Trump has a special collection of my girlfriends he has raped, murdered or otherwise dishonored.  Seattle’s finest people at best are a lesson in what happens when gullibility hardens into thuggery.  You’d have to be retarded to think that mutilating and poisoning a deaf man with brain damage was social equity but in Seattle where the healthy brain was broken the retarded brain deemed itself brilliant.  To illustrate the gangliness of this amoral entourage takes work but in a word these slovens of nyeah-nyeah sum up as Warhol associates.  The Swami Nostra who murdered Saoirse are run by Amanda Harcourt, the type to murder by wrecking someone’s wheelchair.  They avow that the authors of this Hollywood thing ( http://themepaper.webs.com ) “found” the letters they actually wrote ( http://texasschoolbook.weebly.com ) and therefore have the right to upload as judge and jury, among their flock is the Jewish Defense League, sneering that because Brecher and Shulman are Jewish their supporters, running defense and prosecution, are operating in “good faith” by which they just mean good money.  Naturally, you’ve already stopped reading, I mean, how can you blame a battered deaf child if you read what really happened?

        The assholes in Seattle actually believe that the drama club set up mongered by Carnegie Mellon and their Conspiracy of Stars needs culturally competent resolution managers, oh, boy.  Saoirse may have been Miss Nobody in this age of America but the murder of Bobby Kennedy’s grand-daughter is still a crying shame and needs to be looked into.  One of the prominent clues is the way her mother’s card to me was greeted by the Seattle Licky Chops gang.

        The family who adopted me after my father abandoned me to the projekct had a pair, the woman of whom was bosomous, who explained to me in our cellar they only made love for children and thus were and are way better than me, the treasured object golem.  Judging from what they helped do, the evil spirit in those people is impervious to Christianity’s vespers of the chaste.  Doufus-ly, their menagerie, with a stepfamily agent at Fox Studios, saved up the farm to spend on a catastrophically idiotic film like Dune which emerges proud and tight from the studio nexus cued to the revolutio.  While we waited, patiently as a rock tumbler, for the queerbait plan to incubate, there’s been a lot of trafficking by investors in the moral idea.  It remains the heart and soul of prescriptions for Solidarity that run thick and heavy through the Left, thoroughly ingratiated to UWToxicDialectical.  We can’t compromise with Climate Change Justice comes the buzzbomb from the etherea.

           Fossil Fuel Giants authored a three pronged approach:  War on Sex, Information Blackout and Flames Over Africa.  

          So what does Seattle do?  Lickychops, my brethren.  They hold forth dishonest and by full consensus of peerdom thusly:  get sick and die, do it for the children. They even know what a broken hearted motherfucker will say, it’s deliriously funny to them, since they can just poison the food supply.   The worst part is that is exactly what they resolve to do.  And we are told to trust them when they advertise this projekct as “protection from abuse.

            The ogre of what UWToxicDialectical takes for moral compensation was all over that stupid movie Dune, with its martial Honor Code, blood oaths and death vows, as when the Black Man snipes, “It is done,” on the seal of the Duke’s soul having gotten over the hurdle of a drama club production by conquering the trophy Goto, thus we can deflect the cringe when the White THE WHITE Lisan al-Gaib slew the Black Man incarnate of a different form and grasped his dying loving hand in fraternal bond of holy war, full bless. This service to the Fossil Fuel plot UWToxicDialectical monger as multicultural tribalism.  Even the Marxists here say, hehn, just hehn.  AIDS they spread in the name of moral calculus.

         I explained the evidence and reversal of order of blame to Martha Gellhorn, Kate Hayford and Kristie Weisert, all of whom had integrity and merit, none of whom misunderstood me.  Even after mouth poison and the felling of Larry Clum by early age mystery stroke, allowing the regressives to dominate the Recovery Program he bequeathed them, not a word.  The money or your life poach survives Covid19, certain evidence that the brutalizers are correct in their brag of being untouchable, insurmountable and inescapable.  Greta saying nothing does not prove her snickering around with Vince Eirene, oh what an asshole James Crary is but the LickyChops are hopeful and have called dibs.

          The squint of the rabid in its genuflecting ordained UWToxicDialectical and the Seattle Nehnehnehs repeat if you please the tone of Todd Clark, “Don’t turn my air.”  From the fife we know just what McCartney means that Lennon was just another soccer player, because Fripp and Burstyn are on the team.