The Gabriel-Biko Question
Mac Crary <>
6:44 PM (0 minutes ago)
to letters, public.relations
This is not a Paula Jones story. Ms. Jones was molested once by a powerful man who denied it. There were no lasting injuries of a neurological nature, no handicaps, no rapes, no murders and unlike Ms. Jones the equally powerful strong man who commits crime after crime after crime against my body, talents and dreams, as I age and now die, has never made a secret of it, much less bothered to deny; yet every time this fascist murderer commits a blasphemy and degradation against all that is human and gets away with it, the door flies open for him to inflict another myriad of evil, hustling overload on his innocent prey. The murderer Peter Gabirel is more than criminally insane. He is a smooth, controlling operator.
Take as example one of his sideshows. Despite 3rd party testimony to his bizarre criminal personality and catastrophic acts of true horror towards me and others, he had no trouble securing the impeachable and unpardonable cooperation of every desk in Seattle with power and leverage over me. They made me the enemy because I am deaf. You will say no that is not true. It is true and by denying you open the door to his longknives. It is true and it is proven by far more than the body of the woman this ripper hatter glee club slew outside the facility I tried to escape.
Why was I there? For doing legitimate research. I hadn’t known sign language when I went deaf. School was out of the question. Further the choke hold of the ripper in Seattle was firm and I was refused admission to school. Finally, when they locked me up over Christmas for showing somebody what I had written in passing about how being hit in the face, nearly breaking my glasses made me feel, after release I left thousands of miles to another unsafe city where the Deans read my research and said I could return to school. It was an improbable outcome that I graduated and made Honors. I even had to learn sign Math as we went along.
I didn’t scream outloud but the cries of horror could not be missed and for fun, for derision, Gabriel’s gang acted out ripper murder as a gas, as a theme park of their maniacal sadism clocked to my message of fear, just to laugh, a form, his lackeys would nuance, of astral projection. His monstrous political attaches think he is a genius. They see the blood shed from his innocent prey as medicine for their mania. The very same authorities who lie for hiim at every twist and tributary refuse to name what he claims to be his cause. If the cause isn’t named all of his other Gestapo massacres are lent invisibility, death after deafh. If they can get away with this what else can they get away with or more accurately, what can’t they get away with?
When Biden says a more perfect union he means a perversion on what JFK said by a heterogeneous society but a homogeneous nation. I say this not because they don’t use the same words but because Biden is an ally of Gabriel. To me, a deaf man, they mean nothing but evil, sadism and harm. JFK could have grasped very quickly the idea of fascists being more inclusive and building an Ark by extermination processes. His candor would have made short work of them. JFK, like Eleanor Roosevelt, believed in independence movements, foreign relations that addressed the complexities of tribal societies in Africa by book learning and field experience through organizations like the Peace Corps, and I would assume the Brookings Institute, for example. All this was scorned by the Reagan era. The Warhol is running a scam that allows them to kill the Kennedys and Biden says nothing.
It becomes very revealing to see when things heat up with what is presented as an invisible adversary demanding surrender to their kill-more program as a shadow of zuklear threat originating in the usurper group. It happens specifically when those who sought the offices that should represent me are asked to do so. This is confusing until you realize it isn’t 100% them surrendering, instead it is them demanding that I be subsumed into their machine. In other words the US government is using nuclear terror to threaten its own society. I can prove this as a man they nerve deafened purposefully to make me a satire who has long familiarity with their riddles and puns, which become decipherable from their rude and lewd consistency. This doesn’t mean that Rod Dembrowski and Derek Kilmer don’t have a slipknot for their conscience, they do. It is one of two slipknots that are very revealing.
The first slipknot of course is the claim by Warhol that Reagan didn’t know about the Burstyn script. Therefore, he says, he is allowed to fulfill it. Yet if it is true why did they attack me instead of arresting Burstyn? Their logic is a Houdini show. The fact that the double agency signifier Mark Mark was used in the script demonstrates probable cause for the British Army holding forth that due to crowding and church ideas apparently joined by Adolf admiring Midwest 50’s acid experienced gofers ruled that marriage is a pact with the devil loyalty to which is the only road to salvation or something like that. Double Mark Mark shows that Lennon knew. Houdini agency was tried out in You Only Live Twice, complete with newspaper headlines. His soundtrack was double fantasy. It's clean up time. The riddles and puns are cleverly consistent throughout Hitler Reagan’s Hollywood. The second slipknot is is this Yes, Master aspect of Kilmer and Dembrowski. They are terribly concerned, nail bitingly so, that The Green Party will not bless their sacred silence of acceptance about the blame of the queerbait and through this ordeal of their spirits Trumpytune and his old pal Ian MacDonald made good on Covid 19 as a test of their faith.
My purpose in this note isn’t to answer whether Pener Gabriel killed Biko for his utiility value to Queen Elizabeth, only to show that it is a legitimate question. Also in character, admittedly he sounds very moving and sincere, but in the emptiness of his lyrical hagiography comes through the prism of the purpose by which he is serving the Royalists by trying to forge a homogenous African idea. Dylan, his psycho sidekick, killed Saoirse as advertisement for his song about JFK who he sings “had to pay” clocked to the covid bomb.
For instance, Penis Gabriel sings, that he only dreams in red with only one color dead. His political crimes ever since have been to smack at one side and then another and to make good and sure that Black soldiers enjoy the show. When you look at Tony Norman and Dr. Proctor you see the bi-racial element of the attackers clearly. They run the Mancine operations that Manson ran for the LAPD as proven by Tom O'Neill's new book. What was done to me, is being done to me, is analogous to someone being taken prisoner for trying to save Sharon Tate’s life. The REASON I was refused admission to school in Seattle was trying to save the life of Shannon Harps who was also ripper murdered. That's also why they bashed me in the face and locked me up.
The Ark requires an Ark of sacrifices.
Penis never misses a chance to be disgracefully lurid towards others. He issues about a penis turning into a snake and so forth on his album The Lamb. Cutthroat Epstein pussyball is right up his alley. That's is the war game I found clocked to AIDS about which I told everybody. Instead they were all yes, Master to Trumpytune and the Queen Elizabeth Warren Report.
Issues of refusal to investigate come up over and over. Take the KR Mystery. Online in HealthyChat philosophy where they bragged before the Los Vegas shooting and about killing Saoirse, after a gang calling themselves Masons ran a computer alert for the shooting in a Texas church, someone named LMNOP got me to call her KR. They had this as figured as Lister had my mouth poisoned planned for Inslee. By skipping the Q in terror and showing the alliance of Kasper and Reagan, they needled the intrigue of code with Kill R, the middle name of Saoirse. Then, one of them materialized with the name of one of Gail Burstyn’s team in LA, Katie Palter, named Katie Rausch, one of the Roche Sistuhs, I guess.
Fripp actually believes himself when he thinks that Kennedy's murderers are entitled to loyalty.
They also brought down John John's plane to a couplet I took right to a Magistrate downtown in Pittsburgh, showing the foreshadowing. They lined up to foreshadow by a poem of rhetoric concerning nuclear. They brought down the Two Towers, after I mentioned them, even Seattle Times noticed that, while squeaking, yes, master, no master. They delivered my urgent appeal to Courtney after she wrote to me with the murder of two more Kennedys, and believe me they are after that card at UW Dialectical.
UW Dialectical bray at the artist line of museum curator value. It’s Smithsonian backing John Shulman. Tom O’Neill admits he didn’t intervene because he wanted the glory. He talks of a pie ring in the usual coding of his partner. The pie is established by the social distancing pie cutter and the ring is just the usual fascist uglies selling their ugly lies.
The murderers have a lot of money to work with and surrounded me in a prisoner's game where every person who is the other represents a trapping leading to their control.
The reason I don’t campaign for much politically, notably Navalry’s plight, is the Lederer principle. Lederer called me up for advice so he’d feel better doing the opposite, It’s like Leto twisting his magic ankle in an astral projection that took balls.
I’m not trying to do anything but get you to stop abusing me.