Now that we are ruthless….
Initialisms in the case include DT. Dallas, Texas - Deep Throat - Don’t Tell - Defiant Trespass - Devil’s Triangle. In observationings the unfoldances from Love Field acknowledgement Sinfield, the locker of Davey Jones (see Jocelyn and Stephanie) require us to incorporate the cog: Finnegan in search of Wudunnit at Donohue (papi-killing Tive, who pushed Sarah Bernhardt after Nunu or perhaps Niles Shortz’ I LOVE SIRA SIRAN (1966). Bernhardt shepherd many wannabes to the Carousel Club but one such demoisel made good, Gloria Swanson, as an understudy of the crone Joan Crawford who daintily planted the Onassis sister in the doll house of Kennedy for Dulles in Dallas.
Ayy garsh, how bout dat linguistic anthropology from the Ringolevo diggers?
Donald Finnegan (sort at Fun again, threats to JImmy Creary, five, tive and DF Gruber) came up as relevant when it was uncloaked that Joe Biden’s family name, in the sense that mine is Donaldson, is Finnegan and his whole family nearly killed in a car crash at the time that Burstyn crushed Jim Croce and Roberto, calling me through the phone in person (remember me?) and proxies for Donald, Inc. at that time, when Hammer, Ruth Hammer, was Burstyn Exorcisting me at Clem’s Shack for Hammer Museum / Hammer Films Shulman types working for Penii Sinfield and Gabriel.
Candy Starr, nope, no relation to Sissy Prettiman, so sorry Mr. Chan. Why don’t you go ask, heh heh heh, Donaldo Gulligan?