G. Gordon Liddy said, “the problem with people like you is you live in a fantasy world.”
By staging Lennon’s death Warhol secured internal terrorist groups like racist police and black panthers into a Tojo ronin Axis alliance loyal to linkage with Putin, Ringo and Oliver Stone (few men have so singlemindedly set out to cause suffering and hatred, much less with such dire and parched results) while voiding rights and processes due the extermination object. Even the Federal judiciary withheld what they knew to watch the sparks fly. From there, the cannibals in music corporation jets followed a curve of unimaginable brutality towards me and anyone I loved. It worked.
Lennon play-acted for Pentagon Disney that I am a jinx and Hillary’s Union social services just put their ankles behind their ears panting to be taken by UW Dialectical in the covid bonus bomb.
The way that Bush and his merry men in the White House stretched the slogan line-in-the-sand from the basement lounge of their Mellon starlet to span the sands of Arabia while taunting a deaf man “read my lips” was to sell the operational refrain that the best way to reduce oil consumption was pornocide.
This is what a brother gets for trusting King Crimson and slick Wily. Police will never realize the truth of what they can’t accept.