Ironically, newspapers are abandoning right-to-know laws in the name of erratic excesses from the warpo world of celebrity guitar playing mania like Kiss.   Sound Mental Health is hiding a lot more than client privilege under the cloak of the ripper hatter plotting.   They poisoned me in duh mouff because they couldn’t smash my camera, and like the sour German woman sniping about pictures in the newsletter, they contradict in the name of military secrets the right of public letters and police to photograph the public domain, which just isn’t happening, so they get lawyers named Lederer and Sergeants named Secrest for the secret behind the need of special Crest with a stare from clubhouse Nik, warning, no we may not be able to use that picture of Mr. Acklin on the bench smiling as mentor to Jimmy and Larry, whose system crashed so badly he’s recovering from a stroke.  What did Ramos do again?  Oh, chased someone cowering as though from North Korea under their desk, with a kiss of the sauerkraut.
