Society moves to its own tune.  Most people cherry-pick what they believe from what is offered as digest or current affairs narrative.   Even though many students, for example, would profit from comparing those who they do trust, and from understanding differences between, for example, old school conservatives like The National Review and capitalists like Ayn Rand (they did disagree a lot) the idea of admitting views totally contradicted by their beliefs for analysis is largely unwelcome.   The root function of this is ego-politics, the quest for satisfaction and recognition, the grading system rivalry, the craft of media and cinema popularity, and stardom. So while it is clearly academic text to say: It is an interesting strategy to defeat a powerful opponent by blame, or to point out that a man as driven to blame an innocent person for something they claim happened to them is just as likely in character to set up a target for blame and make false allegations; in other words, the venom of Yoko Ono in the name of John Lennon towards me as a deaf refugee from Warhol Museum in Pittsburgh, tends to confirm the theme of intentional murder sport and execution of a prey by trivializing my rights.  It is, in other words, by the evidence in character for John Lennon to have faked his death to give power to the movement behind the AIDS attack, which while exactly what happened, will not be televised. The reason for this is obvious, too, by stating the truth, the magnitude of the counterclaim smothers the authorship of the ordeal. They get away with it precisely by having their game named. Ironic, brilliant, but doomed. All of the evidence confirms what really happened and until the day the spirit of the American Library Association can be changed to outlaw reality and history, that fact will gain the upper hand; slowly perhaps, certainly with respect to me.

       The British answer that Ringo Starr has commanded the crowd to praise Ronald Reagan in the name of John Lennon and Oliver Stone is at the murder switchboard.  Meanwhile, I am at Tacoma Community College doing my level best to get the education I was denied until Chin I Tamburro taught me sign language. She was punished, but that’s another story.  The arguments that a psychiatric problem is at the root of the discussion named above has fallen into pieces at the shrine of good grades. I’ve talked to the authorities about this one, I can vouchsafe this claim:  You do get to hope that people are not just lying idiots.

        Even in the meat-grinder of the 21st century, well into the quagmire approaching the 3rd decade, News Reporting classes talk about putting the important information first.  It’s called the Inverted Pyramid. It’s controversial sometimes because if the truth is going to be prematurely discounted, it might be a better idea to build on arguments first, but suppose I’m wrong, then you should hear the conclusion first, that survivors of the Holocaust (at Pitt), people just like you, are deliberately working in industry to destroy the environment through places like Monsanto and bring on insect extinction because they want to spoil it for everyone.  The Axis was always an all-or-nothing game for some old school fascist regimes. That’s a fact of life you cannot always avoid since it is in films, books, records, Hitler’s minutes, and in the ashen faces of some old people in places like the Holocaust Survivor Community where I was raised. An elderly woman to whom the book For Whom the Bell Tolls was dedicated wrote to me about this situation before her suicide. She had witnessed the liberation of Dachau as a reporter for Colliers’ Magazine.  A woman at Tacoma Disabled Coalition (TACID) says she sees this trauma in my face, too, certainly some of the children back home, where there was a synagogue shooting last year, have it etched in their countenances.

         Of course, that may not really be the most important point.  There’s a lot to this problem. Possibly the most important point is how perilous and driven by pure stupidity the politics of Seattle have been shown to be.   I don’t want that to be true. The measure of energy and time lost in combat with their blackout, criminal syndication, obsessive ideology and suppression of material evidence is genuinely scary, particularly as a partnership with Hollywood and the attackers themselves, which is clear from research, even if not to all of them, a fact that gives those it is clear too a lot of cover.  As if nothing else about these attacks are serious, the inability to say anything remotely plausible and rational, always benefits the attackers. They are shielded, to a degree by the Democrats and by conviction by the Trump Regime. The goal of Seattle is hardly a secret. They have pledged their hand to win by murder. Knowing that changes nothing. They just say John Lennon and Reagan didn’t know and presto, it is their license to kill.

       One of the largest scale problems with all of this is that even though the research has proven that this was an Axis revenge crime, almost no one believes they mean it when they say they will kill everyone if they can’t be in charge.  They do mean it. They’ve always said that, and they’ve always made clear that they mean it. Accepting what America is doing is the form of surrender that they want, but it is very difficult to conceal that; even winning that way won’t stop them from planetary suicide.  So believing the truth about our situation is a huge hurdle for almost everyone concerned. The fact that I refuse to surrender my mind to their deception, my rights as an American to their warped ideology, has greatly strengthened Seattle’s dismal Confederacy. It gives them a holdout to blame who they were already scapegoating.

       Canceling “somebody” from an Open Mic without them (me) being properly advised was a very typical Pittsburgh trick to cause disappointment; when I was shown the line-up for my school’s Open Mic and I seemed to have been cut, I became concerned enough to ask for the persons I had spoken to several times about my desire to be included.  I realize the campus is for everyone and that this week is a rally for Indigenous peoples’ views but the scene in Pittsburgh where I come from involving Native Americans was deeply complicated by bigots, Appalachians, Catholic Workers, Rusted Root and pornographers, some from prestigious institutions like Warhol Museum.

       One reason I came to Tacoma was to be alone from very real injury caused by that scene and seconded by Seattle, who deliberately inflicted arterial stenosis by poison crime from the Green Party at the hostage-taking facility in Seattle where I was held over ten years in trauma by my ex-fiance’s minions.  They slashered a girl outside in warning, then locked me up for getting vocal. That’s why I went back to Pittsburgh for four years, to go to school, which was forbidden to me in Seattle. It’s a serious and potentially deadly crime they committed while professing to be an institution of King County. A mental health recovery clubhouse should not be openly hostile to mental health recovery. The mindset at work is very chilling and complex, a statement of UW’s fortitude illicitly promoting the realm of the truly insane.  Since poison crime is their entire affair, you can’t get them to stop it by any sort of placating gesture. It’s on their whole roster of talking points. Trying to convince Seattle not to murder hostages, to them, is like telling them to stop existing.

       It’s not important to guess at what form the lies of the British are taking under Trump, but instead to see clearly the objective: which is to depict Army actions as a form of folkway; and to do this they set upon anyone who contradicts their shredding of evidence and metanarrative planned in advance to dehumanize the son of a professor from the WW2 Navy who wrote a book called Humanizing the School after working at Teachers College with Dwight Eisenhower.  From there reality sets in against a murdering pretzel from the hand of assassins hissing, “be careful what you eat,” as though that’s realistic. Most of this is known and fairly routine protest on my part. King Crimson, the assholes responsible, who blew through Pittsburgh colleges announcing that God had given them sacred insight into the little cliques around town, had a lot they could have praised me for, my poetry, my faith in them, my hitchhiking from Pittsburgh to St. Louis after a traumatic grade school experience, just to hear one play, but apparently they realized this said too much about my potential and drew too much light on the ambiguous question of why they had attacked me in the first place and why I didn’t understand it was them.

       There are a form of persons who take pleasure in hurting other people, targeting them, making them feel helpless, even murdering them.   How a person gets marked by gangs, particularly really sick and violent ones like Sherman Alexie’s, isn’t clear but the suicide rate among bullied children is fairly high and they openly tried for that.  Having failed, they have resorted to poison. There is a profound rattling in my right ear. The hearing AID technician found what she referred to as “goop” in one of my hearing aids. I’ve been referred me to Ultrasound over an X-ray indicating stenosis of the jugular vein.  I have a dental problem that caused tons of plaque. I do not believe this was natural. I arrived here a few years ago from Pittsburgh and went camping with Sound Mental Health. In the past I know they have been hostile to mental health when it came to me. I went home to go to school when they forbade it in Seattle.  My lip profoundly abscessed and then months later my gums inflamed. I have been fighting that condition ever since. I know it’s a hot button issue to make public, but they all but chemically castrated me by deliberate hospital error when I was in total subjection from neuro-trauma. It was not due to my misconduct. It was my ex-fiance’s husband and his network around town, getting even for our love affair.

      While the bizarre form of bullying practiced by Seattle is newsworthy, it is not in the news and stylistically not unknown among the British, especially among rock stars who poisoned a whole generation, and the maliciousness involved, while clearly shared by Americans in Seattle and Pittsburgh, is one of the reasons Adolf Hitler really liked the British.  He would sure like Sean Lennon, that’s why they call him Kasper in New York City. One thing clear about Trump’s generation is that if you call his supporters Americans they will help you fold on, doublecross and negate everything America really has been meant to stand for, that’s pretty basic.  

       This also, very conspicuously, goes for John Lennon.  Mark David Chapman was sufficiently close to the ideas of Franklin Graham that he could have arguably been said to have targeted and gunned Lennon down, but how do you explain the British support for Graham and Chapman’s plans in the matter?  There is an explanation, but it takes work, because it means going into the truth that Lennon was suckering people like Seattle. The murderers representing Seattle’s plots of poison crime as a fictional therapy for their Queers actually were involved in the attack.  They set up Lifelong AIDS Project in advance and I have no trouble proving it. The Federal Emergency Management Agency had me stationed at a Medical Library in 1984 for the Beatles to start writing to me, and 1984 are also the first digits they gave me as a child to my Social Security.  I have reported that fact to the FBI to no avail. That’s also very basic to the evidence and there’s a lot of it, despite the ravenous attempts by Peter Gabriel to get hold of it, lie and shred it. United We Fell. It’s that simple. It was a trick of the tale. Diamonda Galas was in Immunology and Satanism in the 70’s.  Her namesake, Dia from Der Mond’s circle, called me at school to announce Lennon’s fantasy ploy on Dec. 8, 1980, and then from the Outer Limits they have staged managed a phony uprising from Warhol Museum. Cliff Richardson went in his plane to watch from above the World Trade Center. He was working with both Dias.

       The Beatles ignored my appeals in the 70’s when I didn’t know what was going on, and was courting King Crimson; they set me up in their pornography laboratory from Hollywood by love deception.   They used me in their war game, suckering me as a victim of torture into a human sacrifice ordeal in which many innocent people have been murdered. They pretended to find the script and say why not see it through, since their plans could be consecrated as true to form.  But that’s not what really happened. They pretended to find them and wrote themselves this golden slipknot. Since that is what all the evidence shows, that is what should be believed, but, in Japan, Takai means expensive. The Queers of Seattle cut a deal, an expensive one, as did Obama, for their legitimacy and then, the Outer Limits, where Cliff Richardson was from, offered George Takai as the sales manager.  All of that is hidden history, albeit hidden in broad daylight.

        The social experiment of the AIDS attack was always very clear:  they set out the bait and challenged me with scorn to be a man. I followed their war game and proved what they have done.  From the sidelines they whooped up the Ego-politics of Seattle to say come on, kid, come on, kid, prove yourself and die. Now the question is really:  should that be endorsed by our public schools?

Ringo Starr is well situated in his element at UW. There the guilty congregate in glee as murdering clowns. Probably it was inevitable that The Beatles, after effectuating the assassination of JFK and RFK to promote their band with the help of Jackie Onassis would omoja themselves an Illuminati of a world government Hidden Hand, making a rancid city like Seattle into their slaughterhouse, dehumanizing people into insects, beetles, bedbugs for their snickering mafia attacks. What a frightful prize it was to use music to promote pure evil as love and sneer that even if they are they’re right. Hypocrisy isn’t just a given with Britain, it’s a strategy.