AIDS was a big fuck you from the Christian military establishment.   American society is a curious, tragically gunslinging place. At the time in the early 80’s when I courted King Crimson, my interest was ecology, plain and simple, saving the earth.  They were guttersnipes chiding people with the painted slash on horses earmarked for meat over schizophrenic tendencies as un-sufic infidels. In Pittsburgh Courier a black man raged that the ecology movement was created by The White! cut the black man out of his piece of the expanding pie of industrial procures.    A gargantuan megalopolan complex engulfs the world, product of asphalt and concrete industry producing CO2 and glare that threatens to heat up and dehumanize the planet once and for all, anthropocene as the high road to extinction. You can think of it as a hell odyssey in progress. Nature has never been perfect, at least on the level of biological life, creating challenges to the souls and social programs of mankind, but we have been in dire and parched hands of leadership and guidance for so long it has become a reflex, epigenetic in nature, to be cynical and fatalistic at a time when idealism is needed to prevent the strangulation of those who plotted this course, consciously, as a lewd, Biblical affront to man’s sense of permanence, towards their dream of a “world of ash” (Karl).

     I'm deaf, and being in school right now is too important for me to go on a rally, so I don't see flyers much, and can't get anything from the web on this, but Greta Thunberg is much IN THE NEWS! and I'm taking Botany. Here's is what I am trying to get. As a history student, I get that some of the Cold War Era infrastructure is ill-considered, and that saving the planet involves re-imagining the Department of Labor, so what I propose to do is write: A Feasibility Study of Professional Mass Cement Demolition and Soil Restoration. What I need, besides anything I can't think of, obviously, are contacts with, for example, gentlemen in the cement business who might afford a few minutes of time to be interviewed, Department of Labor relations personnel, individuals in Olympia, Seattle or Tacoma in government science, or soil management planning who might help me form an assessment of such issues as job retraction and training, costs, Union relations, botanical hazards from post-cement environments and so on.  Despite doing my share in this, as I took on immigrants and refugees when returning to school during Trump’s campaign tirades, it’s not, really, my precinct, beyond how it affects what most concerns me.

     There are people whose fight is with me with whom I have no interest or fight, and they make it my business to seek help or defend myself somehow, and Aung San is a good example.  This stems from the lawlessness of American power since the Government of Texas raised their flag above Old Glory in Dealey Plaza, much to the admiration of John McCloy who saw a similar symbolic spectacle as he sat with the Chancellor of the Third Reich at the Munich Olympics.  Some poetry just stalls. PatriCIA Fripp was in agency with Leslie Sanetta Katz, feminazis their horrible hate crime team were calling themselves, pushing now this business of Saving the Earth for Princess Isabella the resurrected. In reality, and as a point of fact, failure to warn in the 80’s about the treachery papers and all this post-critical denial and terrorism from the states of Washington, Maine and Pennsylvania, the most conspicuous satellites of the Warhol/Trump situation, masquerading as mere complicity was authorship.

        These facts tell us certain things.   It's really nasty to love helping your friend and then be put to the morale-building litanies of your attackers.  Some of the crazies in University system, not saying Russell Weigley, whose principle was defense of Freedom of the Press as a core value that the military must respect, said, well, make him suffer and we'll drink up the redemption verses as like a pirate beverage.   This is forced labor and embitters me. However, having penetrated the mentality behind it, my hope is that I can inform my peers. In that ways, I went from poet to reporter. I would be thrilled that a friend can sift through it and find some meaning. There is difficult material that for me anyway offers an approach to re-stabilizing our ethical foundation in higher learning.  Usually, it is lost on my peers, but my motivation is to help them. I'm not going to be their slave, gladly, in this crime. The fright involved in seeing that Multicultural conscription is part of the process of accepting a holocaust was processed this way is a hard fact of history to venture into. Especially when the perps have mobilized the victims to attack people for them. When you realize that Cliff Richardson was above the WTC that day to watch and that Dia Galas posed in front with a stiletto as part of his team, the illusion crashes down.  They were working with the attackers, not on behalf of the victims.
