Valor and faith in them has never saved a single soul from the stingy British.  Back in the good old days before we knew that Diamond Dogs was about a real plan, or that Donald Trump would finish shooting from behind the curtain and climb the main stage to shout to America’s seniors, hey, hey you get off of my cloud, it was still possible to pretend that Jacqueline Onassis wasn’t herself armed in the assassination limousine, and that he showing up in Pepperland with Paul McCartney was as resulting of chance as the episodic typos on my computer wired to WQED and KDKA’s Abdul Division. Those weren’t exactly better days but our faith wasn’t spent.  We or at least I hadn’t yet appealed to Amnesty International about torture only to be answered by them with rape and torture.

       Her Majestic’s scripts were written as a ward against valor and faith in them.   No matter what I did, hitchhiking to St. Louis from Pittsburgh as a deaf kid who had been to the Governor’s School after graduating from high school just to hear the abominable coward Fripp play his ransom machines is conspicuous for industry and energy.  The violence this got out of Mick Jagger and Davey Jones blew up over Scotland with the advertisement of Davey Jones Lockerjee on the heels of Eisenstat’s Abdul masquerade and Ming Na Wen’s voice-overs on Chinese Jimmy for Andrea Swimmer and Radio KKK.  Jack Nicholson even showed up to make sure that an image of Softwar Engineering Institute (Star Wars) showed up in his film about Hoffa.

        These were the black box days.

        The scripts of course outhighernessed my work and my energy.  They crowned Lennon boss by blaming me for the magic show of his partners, the ones that Ringo says killed him.  Jagger brought in skrewdriver, John Waters and the Colin Powell clowns to angle at brain damage while manufacturing illicit challenges to drug laws.  After pulling their palace prank of calling virginity proof of rape and “paying” for my loyalty to King Crimson, by giving my fiance as a treat for Jay Inslee’s troops to wake up to and castrating me for a private Lonely Hearts prison, I turned up the encryption for the scripts that also killed Kennedy in Yoko Ono porno called NEVA, a name from the script.

        Oswald had worked at a place called Jagger, and now we know why.