The British are known the world over for how banal and typical their lies and backstabs are and yet they never fail to find a new sucker, a new opportunity. To call this hustling is just weasel wording and if Trump was any indication, Queen Elizabeth imagines she has a huge stockpile of dummies just itching to hear her call again in North America.
Suez is a great example, but even the way they pounced on Eisenhower’s heart care emergency does nothing to warn of the venom behind King Crimson. To understand why we must know if Biden’s workshop of State Planning had me in the FEMA-related Medical Library in 1984, we must follow the false promises Fripp gave to the Muslim Comunity whilst they set up their follow up sneak warfare. This spins through Foucault, Catholic Worker, King Crimson and Trump, their real loyalty. Nothing is easier for guns for hire like Fripp and Clint Eastwood than to brutally attack a disabled child blindside and call it High Noon. My sister of Kyra Schon was ini on it with McCartney, who my father met with, and called it because of their “highjinx.”
King Crimson and Foucault are the ones with the most in common. For every suicide pilot in the AIDS attack there was Catholic doctor who ruminated over the Good Lord’s power of flesh wounds. Revulsion may not be sadism, but conquering it in medicine can lead to delectating all the same. I saw this in the glee that Nurse’s snapped cleft pallet pictures.
Which brings us by way of sudden death culture to Chris Tucci and Carl Boyd. My lungs are suffering. The plaque is leaching downward from the gum medication. I am sweating a lot, electric heat plays a role, and I over used cleaning sprays after a choking stove fire. I’m in trouble. Two weeks from now is the earliest I can hope for a first vaccine administer.
My former schoolmates came to doubt me that African American and Ecology were the way to go, what point did it matter to them? But ah, was not Chris also being advertised as touchy? Were not the Karl boys aware of Dibarno and NEVA? Ah. Chris Tucci and Carl Boyd were signifiers of Jay Inslee and Donald Trump. That was in the 90’s.
We do not say they were planning dis thing in public.
It was practical Christian Science, like my mother’s rabbit and Unicorn in Captivity. First came Magog and then the trumpets of plenty. Sean Lennon went right on screaming that the murder of JFK and his mother’s howls for Andrea were in tune but that his father’s disappearance was the opposite of Kennedy and besides that, the attackers was right all along, so there, you and your moebius slander: one lick, one lickspittle and Paul Runco’s labs.
It may be strange to hear the truth again after all these years but I thought it was random crime and that I was the only victim. Gail Burstyn was Jewish, they were imaginative and intelligent and supposedly trustworthy.
No matter how sentimental some people can be about getting the job done what we put a stop to in Germany is a good case example of why unfinished business can be a lot better and sadly it shows too what the military means by unfinished business in the matter of Kasper his so called friendly ghost.
What Sinfield’s gang from Oil City meant the first MAGA job (AIDS) by “if you wash we’ll be offended” was that it is illegal to defend yourself from criminal foreign authority on a spree. Leering that porno is atheism and against the Biblical Gardens of Rodef Shalom they hype and tamper with the neurotrauma line so they can hide that they are they are exterminators making nuclear threats and progrock while calling their sex looting of a hostage psychiatry. My sister says when I began to think there were other victims it was the first time she saw me angry and that is the guilt the perpetrators accuse me of carrying, not defending myself enough from them. It’s clear there would have been a fair trial if they really had found the papers rather than planted them to watch me. The pornography company has all the same components of the script, The Victim! Is the object and the women are contracted agents of age, not so what they did to the golem, but for them nothing matters less The perpetrators control the sympathies of the victims by stage production and hey that’s just the Beatles for ya.
The sexual schaedenfreude of the NAACP was always obvious as a colluding factor. The monitoring station was always obviously the attack squad. My dental records show they went for my mouth at a place called Acorn once, too. Penis Gabriel worked with Donald Trump in a Soapy Smith enterprise twice. AIDS was more complicated, but Soapy Smith’s Telegram service just went a few feet into the ground as he scammed the Klondike, likewise both Amnesty International and Warp Speed. Trump said MAGA is just getting started meaning after AIDS and Covid they will do it again.
Proctor said that a candidate being Black is reason enough to vote for them, don’t ask Idi Amin the answer is yes. In the opening scene of the Covid Play, which is all it is for the syphilitic McCartney, a play, a Black kid kicked an elderly Black woman in the face. Geriatricide here we come. The Feds are just as pleased with themselves as they can be, through Gurdiev kluk they made Corrections into a poison crime spree, calling a deaf man’s erection the negligence of Flint, Michigan, while burning all record of prior attempts to warn. Karl, DeJong and Robert Anton Wilson snap for Meat Weapon, you rang?
This goes beyond blowjobs at the Immigration Service for Green Cards, believe me. You aren’t allowed legally to hate those who pathological hate you, and they think of Adolf Hitler as Black Beauty, they just couldn’t bring themselves to shoot him.
I am not saying you should shoot anyone. Our society is too lawless. Instead, please understand that I am dealing with the criminally insane and plead with you for long overdue social investigation and intervention from Sean Lennon’s carpet chewing and his dysfunctional, murderous cardboard fans..