It isn’t that I don’t believe Trump might have insulted our troops from wars past, only that the Atlantic didn’t really verify the claim. It’s not healthy to draw convictions from anonymous sources. You should always waver when asked to simply believe on the basis of a magazine’s prestige or faith in their claims to corroboration. Surely we have at least learned that from the Kennedy assassination. Those who discard the idea that an elaborate attempt to assassinate the President’s character is impossible simply because they don’t like his character are remiss. You can reasonably weigh in the direction of the belief that he may or even probably disrespected our troops, but there are reasonable grounds to suspend certainty.
One of these grounds might even be tone. Gen. Patton used to say the other man’s job is to die for his country, not ours. WW1 was not universally popular. Another explanation might be that the Atlantic made the whole thing up. So probably he said what was reported, based on the confirmation of investigative scrutiny corroborating the veracity and good standing of the witnesses, but it is helpful to see what becomes of the reporters’ temper when you know where to draw the line. If they can’t accept that evidence is required then they aren’t really good at their job.
The perception that good deportment in journalism is a form of liberal ideology is the reason that the anti-Liberalism in vogue with Trump has no place in American Intellectual Heritage. It cannot pass a legitimate scholarly class requiring research papers. No doubt that fact contributed to their determination to close our schools with the bonus agenda of covid and threats of more, as they have always dispensed evil towards those who wanted safe sex education, ecology classes and reasonable, inclusive civics.
The practical agenda of those with their eyes in the doors of our private homes, reducing our scholars to experiments in neuro-surveillance, is a spaghetti Western hatched in houses of ill-repute that goes a long way in explaining Iman Bowie. Liberals cannot face gunfire on campus, therefore they are weak and ineffectual, claim the standing tall New Order. “The eye of suspicion,” writes Greg Karl, “falls on the foreign element,” and in his Guttersnipe tract this is pun for LSD-25 and the maidenhood of Ms. Go/to, trophy bitch of a language community at work in Axis revenge, for 26 is not only the age designated by the Detroit 4 X 4 Luke 16 signifier of Kasper Division, but the age of maidenhood’s end for the Asian pies of Germany. Eastern woodies peter out thereafter, according to legend. It should be noted, for the record, that I do not factually believe the murders of the Kennedys was racial. It was Green Party pornography.
Bush suspected wrongly that no matter how significant the comment of Jimmuh Quee to the effort of carrot probes in Disneyland after Dark, that the Midwest satire personnel would abolish history rather than see it in the books. In reality, the carrot secret broadcast of Wen, Fripp and Carbonell was a trademark image from the Neva Corporation that still needs to be identified to properly understand the evidence that the AIDS attack was planned by Yoko Ono and her handlers in Geffen, meaning John Lennon and the man who took credit for his death in the name of something much, much bigger, so big Rush Limbaugh is in awe. God bigness.
The factual reason that we should respect and teach the age 18 legal line in sex is clear, for one the children are entitled to inalienable protections, freedom of association is sacred and mutual consent is the foundation for self-respect. Instead of this, we are urged to consider Black fantasies and African justice where symbols of rape are a totem of manhood’s achievement in some quarters of tribal warfare. To show respect by sexual surrender, we learn in outposts of UW are in fact moral anthropology, much to be welcomed in the age of secret war at our military schools. The whorehouse sit-in is proof of a new age redistribution, beloved to Obama along with his lewd Katz frame job. The language community was full of trademark images. Calling Gutendorf ooglop and de Dutch Boomer harangued, “she plucked me.” Both Masako Shiono and Midori Goto tried out the pluck luck factor by breaking a string and their big Tang recitals and so on. I was never even one to stand in the way of inter-racial affairs provided they were not coercive.
Oobleck led the British mayhem conspiracy. The shoved some in my mouth and killed Saoirse with some for thinking that white bitch was special. Greg Karl became an honorary the Black Man by promising Ms. Go/to, and delivering her loyally, to the forces of Obama’s Beastiary USA, led by Penis Gabriel. I went directly on to the Axis Green Party’s Enemies List. Queer images of Gestapo rape turned up with pictures of Killing Fields in Carnegie Mellon’s newspaper usurped by Trump Trooper from the New York Times Cameron Brown. The sexism, says Dialectical UW-ists is totally logical equity building and their point comes from Hannas Burger and sundry in play in Pennsylvania with Cindy Chapman and others associated with the lay of the land, notice Hanna from the return of decency movement who was a Japanese Seattle prostitute. The plan of the Neva Corp. in other words was simply to own the pornography system and use it militarily in a play billed as a sexual revolution against those who ensnare women in illlicit practices. In other words free them by destroying them, an old agenda of the Axis.
The idea of impacting the golem into condition as a humanist trapped in brothel warfare was an Interview with a Vampire that drew upon the Jewish Defense League, Gail Burstyn and Joel Caplan, in Geffen’s plan it for the planet. The troops engaged in the elaborate ruse concerning Leslie Katz because it guided the cynicism that endeared them to their leadership. Iman Bowie, in other words, for all her fashionable elixir of the superclass African warrior, was merely a situational representative of what Leni Reifenstahl was up to in Africa as a diplomat for Kasper in Argentina. A lot of women get a laugh out of the idea that sex itself is a symbol of morality. Supposedly I am to blame for John Lennon’s place in their statement because I fell in love with a virgin (unbeknownst to me) from their spaghetti guy kitchen.