Working as an Ark the Federalized terrorists behind the murder of Saoirse Kennedy, organized by the loutish criminal headquarters (Penis Gabriel Real Worlds) who got away with sneering that they were holy workers protecting the victims when they are behind the AIDS attack, gives the marauders in military sociology at Dialectical UW a lot of flexibility.  The rabid barked of sexual freedom and then curtailed sexual liberty through pussyball entrapment slander and lies.  Another flexibility in the ARK allows murderers in Warhol to claim the kill of Saoirse Kennedy by the name of Black Lives Matters, which they did, repeatedly, with the help of NAACP ground troops in the Postal Union, barking as usual for mayhem in lies and slander that she was a white bitch, demanding through skillful computer manipulation in my system which they have infiltrated complicity and compliance in their ultimatums in return for the lives of the remaining Kennedys and yet the assassins are on high so no force from police or even the Kennedys bother to investigate after two more Kennedy murders were clocked to my attempt to warn them by standard mail.  The rabid are vicious wolves of poison crime and murder, yapping we were wronged, in terrifying lies created to wave due process and announce hostility against the bereaved, lie after lie, poison crime after poison crime, murder after murder, rape after rape, in the name of Seattle who organized them.

     The murderers pinned a sign on unsuspecting back of the deaf golem they kidnapped tortured and wasted reading, LENNON SAYS KICK ME.   One cannot believe the cowardliness, sadism, rabidity, slanders and murder of Paul and Ringo.  They are bedlam tyrants, slaughtering wholesale as many innocent Americans as they can fit in their gunsights, free smacks, mocking the dead.  Lie after cowardly lie.  They allow Kennedys to live as their turkey shoot farm.

I saw Dalil’s stuff at Warhol with Mariko Mori

before I found out the croke hag regruster kerogre was blaming me for Lennon

as a metaphor for Hiroshima

because Lennon faked his death

it was his big Daligasm

its been ugly bondage

they hired thugs to attack me as a kid put me into coma

so Warhol and Reagan could do this

Yoko Ono is a ruthless, vicious Tojo pig

God you should see the rotweillers she sicks on me


they murdered my dad and stuff, castrated me

it's hard to get help

the Kennedys tried to help me but they cooled off when fwo more of them were murdered the very day I wrote back  

Or:  Dat cooled dey heels nyuck nyuck

must be the postal union watching for her

since Trump is her big friend

I had nothing to do with it her partner in Pittsburgh was arrested by SMithsonian

I voted for Biden because at least he will try to cool things down

yes I like him, a change will be good

Trump will be a commoner soon, after he pulls his big Occupy Show

he's going to run around in the Rose Gardens in his diapers shooting off his cowboy pistols

he's like a son to me

I went to bed the first night thinking Trump had won

and so the news crept in was welcome

he'll be just as beastly to me but the overall culture will be more residually sane

Biden is a dedicated American statesman.

Trump is a hallucination machine.

Central to the planning was the grounds the rabid has given for torturing a victim of mutilation, a Manson ordeal, who came to them for help - they announced that the queerbait was a Lennon fellow traveler and therefore inherently only worthy of scorn. Licky chops, the foreign surrealist piled on with infamy. The reason that the hatred for me in Pittsburgh was preexisting is that the rabid animals of Warhol were preparing to find their own crime plans. Pitt allowed a son of Senior Faculty to be used conspicuously for vivisection then advertised the teacher's murder as a wudunnit by the Greens who brought every loathsome, cowardly lie they could summon from the shadows for a Japanese back dagger cloaked in evil avenging grudges from WW2. They demanded tribute to the most loathsome Nazi shitbags who ever lurked.

I just loved Leslie Katz and was sorry to see her go.  You can see what the Jews are allied to from this.

I just loved Leslie Katz and was sorry to see her go. You can see what the Jews are allied to from this.