The injunction against biological warfare was ignored and broken the moment I stepped into NW Pacific Territory where Inslee’s gang who had long operated in Pittsburgh, summarily poisoned me in the mouth.  I already knew how serious they are from the AIDS attack.  Everyone knows now because of Covid 19.  When their ringleaders Greg Karl and Robert Fripp attacked me as a child in Pittsburgh their agency, Gail Burstyn, sent me letters counseling that I read, post-trauma from ferocious attacks to the head, That Was Then This Is Now, the message of which at the end is, “I just wanted to be sure that I hated you.”  Their books and records went gold featuring the refrain, “as silence drowns the screams.”  You would think our society would think better of calling allies those who just want to be sure that they hate us.  Criminally insane warriors are now dominating our future having closed our schools.  The NW Pacific area in fact worked on this towards threatening Seattle with a nuclear bomb.  It is a horrid massacre.  I have done nothing but borne witness in attempts to warn.  Why was it so obvious to me?  Why was my catastrophic injury invisible?  The sad truth is that a huge section of our society approve of mass murder, among their selling points is Ecology against which they call the attack on sex Human Ecology.

       The parochial didn’t even attempt to hide its extermination program.  The British rabid called it Death Seed openly on their grim reaper toast to Greg Karl, who leered, “the persona is subjected to successive degradations of the X-motive and then subsumed into a larger structure dominated by its adversary.  Their new movement is being legally allowed to deny medical attention to their opposition.  In revenge for writing to me in the name of morale, three Kennedys were attacked and murdered by the forces of the parochial savage.

         Throughout my testimony concerning the AIDS attack the authorities moaned and groaned that I was just being paranoid, even though the evidence of stalking by an organized crime ring operating a heist in a revenge attack for World War Two had written in their screed openly, “just because you are paranoid doesn’t mean we aren’t out to get you.”  This was all clearly very fun for the assassins.

           Spastic arguments about race have absolutely spewed from the planning division who used our schools as attack headquarters, torturing, murdering and pimping students openly for their contraptioneering.   What they had done to my face was already too much.   

           Due to the pernicious presence of the Pittsburgh NAACP supporting, lying for and being cruel bullies in advocacy protecting the killers, the obvious hand of Oliver Stone is laid bare because all of the high school minutemen who surrounded me were with Cyril Wecht.  Thos. Gordon of Harvard played a particularly odious role for these shifties.  Anyone at Asian Cult Cinema, who filmed the rape of deaf Chin I by all indications for Stone and his Tang Company, would have easily predicted the dissonance in America by the appearance of North Korea’s sister’s cold look and endearing smiles in the Time Magazine image of the Year rack.  Gordon was particularly fascinated by the way that Russians at first mistook Germans for liberators.  The golem, having been given the gook treatment, will mistake his worst enemies for liberators, they mused.   They friendship of Trump and Kim in other words was canny demonstration that American editorial power has fallen since the days of George Kennan in large measure because he was so wrong.  The Truman Doctrine was just the enemy within making sure the world hated us.

           There was no reason for this.  Sex education and Ecology had sufficient potential in public schools to save society and the earth.   Most people don’t notice without being told the two atomic explosions always used on the album HAIR but they are there and they are intended.  Yoko Ono’s forces killed Saoirse Kennedy and brutally mutilated me.  The Time Women of the Year rack with pictures of the honorable Miss Kim and Greta Thunberg testify to the concerns of a new generation none of whom could possibly mean it that they want a zuklear war.   I’m not much fun when it comes to militarism, abhorring the subject, but it is clear the Kims enjoy freedom of speech as much as anyone.

         Penis Gabriel loves his litlte pathological ultrahigh world where he can laugh with sadism into the head of someone he molested to pleasure the world.  He relishes hacking into the brain salad of world media.    The perverse maturity of the two women, Greta and Miss Kim, feeds his alter-ego as the purveyor of sex slander itself, which I saw to be the evidence of an attack during AIDS.  Gabriel has built his political career by validating sexual slander and making AIDS a war game of one.   The State of Washington is having too much fun with their captured golem to even offer me competent medical assistance.   Always enjoying their pervert alliance with the parochial mind they evoke Stone’s favorite Nietzsche-ism, borrowed from Pitt where it is a moral over-ride button, to affirm the slaughter by the mind of media, and Inslee’s C in a Star of David.