In this note I hope to resolve a thing or two about the open mic road rage unleashed on me by Trumpytune and N’dour under the coaches available to them as did soften me up. Oliver Stone so heavily lied with Penis Gabriel as that I had to go around one by one to talk to all the people they dreadfully misled. Now when they come around with their stuff they will be laughed at which will be right and fitting. Preying on injury they mongered justified exclusion and mistreatment after terrible crimes of violence based on invisible handicap that they had strategically impinged. Deaf people endure too much silence while sound inflicted individuals can never find enough resulting in classic annoyance yet they kept me out of deaf school then swooped in by bloodcurdling yammers all recall.
The hidden transcripts of their mental problem are noted but the remarks I hope to offer today reveal informed and reasonable speculation about their thinking to which I provide substantiation reasonable to cross examine but advisable to know well most significant of which is the crossing of paths between Wolfgang Staudte and Ingmar Bergman at Cannes International film festival in France during the season of 1957. I ask no less than a wrinkle in time. Perhaps you will see why. All I can do to help is spell it out in clear language and accountability. The films you did not see are Staudte’s The Murderers Are Among Us, and Bergman’s Through a Glass Darkly. You do not need to see them though nothing is stopping you. All you need is easily peer reviewed information concerning their relevance and tone. It has made me meaner than is good.
This note is a journey as well, a search for why I riveted up and demanded to know if these men crossed paths. For all my fascinating notes leading up to that split second the reason itself has vanished from cogency save that I was right and boiling mad.
The Green Party set up payback for their tong in this frame of interest. What that means in Yojimbo is the first hit of a double homicide made to look like a feud exchange, the usual Trumpytune. Penis Gabriel just calls up Jericho Project and says about torture, just smother in comparisons to Africa for me. Abira Ali, a partner of Will Zell from Temple University, is in the Pittsburgh Jewish Defense League and part of the operation whereby Gail Burstyn killed Ryland Crary, a Bernie Sanders/Clint Eastwood division spelling out: sorry you didn’t make the final cut, Ry. I remember the loper, the type, who haunted around both David Lucarelli, Fox Studios smuggler, Clubhouse today and pap’s set in Bethany, they were the Israeli faction of Howard Finkel, who lured what came back as a Dead Letter from the Florida Post Office addressed to Howard Talbot alias Dickimo, a neighbor in Pittsburgh of Guerilla Theater’s Harvey Friedman, attache of Dolly Meieren and “Nava.”
Zell spoke as reported. In all due respect I spent years securing corroboration. Hollywood is a miracle filibuster in the crime. They set it up to defile us back to the Axis normal, alienating me by deafness where nobody is about to get into a deaf child’s minid, to taunt, in America is it LEGAL to be like that Jimmy Creary. Brecher and Gabriel had it made with the Black underclass towing that special white sukke around but ultimately the issue was Nava and Skeeter, which means the Nammies, Semper Fi Ollie! Even though Molesty and West are up to their old Trumpytune tricks with top dog Dixon detectives, the issue is the Nammies.
Skeeter? With Edelsteiin? Oh, and a Huskie/Timberwolf pair. Gee that’s higher.
The idea with Saoirse and Sasha is to decree that the queerbait was playing to the King Crimson mercenaries, so payback is in order. The same team do the same thing to another innocent person for emotional orchestration, the meaninglessness of Treblinka being again fleshed out by poor, poor Woody Allen and the idiotic Lee Marvin crowd. Oh, but one of them LOOKS like us.
Colin Kaepernick was on one knee as a part of the Covid plan.
Skeeter and Nick, dibarno, (the no from the barn) gotcha.
Orchestrating emotion is old game for this cult. Everything must be known, nothing may be hidden (except their spy cams, myuh). Draxinger, get dat name, for good example, play all hit by a car to hear me wailing, oh wordness, goodness, they’ve done in John, will the widow ever be repaid with our lives in blood, myuh.
Poison the mouff, stink up the flesh, Sufi task, many more mouths still nattering like the flower in the little shop of horrors, feed me, feed me. Oh those horrible people.
Penis Gabriel’s less than awesome image of a baby all stuck with pins was identical to the Tweetie bird in MacKenzie’s friend’s toilet in Boulder, which shows you the cooperation that Murder, Inc. enjoys in America, the time being that Boulder was the largest city in the USA without a murder that year. When will we be finished humiliating you Jimmy Qweewee so that you can get away, MYAWK.
Zell spoke as reported.
One of the most salient characteristics of the Trumpytune Green Party is the spastic inability to leave someone who hates them alone.