One of the certain takeaways from the strange case of James MacRyland Crary is that there is no lie too low for Robert Fripp, English Nazi and warlord. The depraved mind of his jetset and entourage which function as a control tower for approval of anything we do is shocking with slander and facelie. A friend of mine courted my temper by referring to Saoirse Kennedy as a toss off, just another Kennedy tragedy. Her murderers work with Penis Gabriel in hanging the specter of death over anyone I love to cover up and promote their insane and filthy hate crimes. There is no filth, nor lie, nor cowardice too low for them, and its cunning ducks out by mangling the tongue that even tries to describe their vile depravity. The real toss off is a word like evil.
I want you to fully understand how Saoirse fits into my thinking about what is going on and the dangerous refusal of police to acknowledge what is actually happening. I can think of four or five identical explanations all of which say the same thing, all of which make perfect sense, all of which can be repeated, all of which are clear and intelligible and yet when I have explained them or one of them or eight of them, identical arguments with nearly identical proofs to my absolute horror none of it registers on whom I am speaking to. To prove this I will be crystal clear and with any due diligence at all you will certainly be the exception. I have never sought to hurt a human being. I have not struck one, I have not raised my voice outside of legitimate parameters and I do not practice threats. Fact. This does not make me a hero, a non-violent leader or anything else, it certainly does not make me the walrus. It's just Jimmy Crary, often dismissed as a sissy. How then did I end up with a scorecard of murder attributed to me?
To answer this question, first ~ you would have to admit that a pattern is synchronized targeting me. So let me show you in due order a few examples. The letters of Gail Burstyn clearly and definitively are worded to appear involved in what many people believe to have been the murder of Lennon on her birthday. A synagogue outside my home with familiars of both me and Gail Burstyn was shot to hell. I lived at Temple University with Louis Leto who is named in the web as Obama's Director of Army Operations in Afghanistan. His crowd came aping into my room FREAK FREAK YOUR HERO WAS SHOT when Lennon died. Leto claimed that a Mr. Potato Head or something I had made him twist his ankle. Now this may seem to lose the thread but it doesn't really if you look at some of the gang orchestrations going on. On Oct. 18, 1987 a woman with the name Penny that had just arrived on a postcard from England and Peter Gabriel walked up to me and said she had just arrived from Oxford. She took me out to tell me about the Day the Earth Stood Still. The next day was the famous 1987 Wall Street Crash, then the next day CIA director John Stockwell came on my birthday to this little town I was in, signed his autograph after the speech, underline the date, my birthdate, repeatedly. Okay. Someone's crystal ball tells them who to snuff.
What we are seeing is the exact same agency hitting both sides and then misreading it to say it was triggered by my poetry or my writing, or my defense of JFK. The reason that Saoirse was killed, after sexual assault, is that Warhol and Ono figured this script to be a representation of my character as lusting for the virginity of the starlet of the script Leslie Katz and they made porno spycam of me not only when they held me hostage in childhood but through the Mt. Desert Island Society for Human Ecology which has a John Stockwell on the Board of Directors. So even though Leslie was a virgin after two years of dating me they announced we owe them one. Okay. Ono and Warhol also abrogated and swept aside the idea that I did not know the letters were a threat to Lennon. That hateful, stupid Woman's Day columnist Lewis Lapham was behind that. So their invisible victim had to be compensated. Now these are also the murderers behind the murder of Donnie Chin. What they did was stake out images paralleling the research of Roy Blevins who died the spider on the roof and made crystal clear in their newspaper copy that they were staking out Saoirse and killed her knowing that I would come to Donnie Chin's wake with a written piece comparing his dutiful community service to Bobby Kennedy. After I left I heard Saoirse had been killed. They killed both people but made it look like revenge.
So here is where the police mind goes no. The fact is that the same people are hitting both sides, a dab of this, a dab of that, presto, remarkable, and la ti da, and NO MATTER HOW MANY TIMES YOU SAY IT NO MATTER HOW MANY TIMES YOU PROVE IT NO MANY TIMES TO PRESENT IDENTICAL CASE STUDIES nobody grasps this terribly, terribly simple fact. The police, Mr. Pesa, do not say oh, so what it four part harmony or barbershop quarter. They say it in unison. No matter how many people get killed, no matter times I am completely innocent of wrongdoing, they allow these murderers freedom to simply wave their magic wand and observe what the Swami Nostra feels FEEEEEEEELS is the appropriate thing for the tribe to do next.
Believe me they are laughing at our tears and have no intention ever of stopping. The police could identify Martin Andelman and Louis Leto and watch them if they had the slightest suggestion of a brain
It's a sad, sad story, and it's likely to stay this way due to Federal I-N-C-O-M-P-E-T-E-N-C-E.
In the film the Tenth Victim the victim is allowed to try to identify who is stalking them
This is what Richard has been doing for fun
Jeannie was raped; Rosa was a namesake agent for Rosa Clemente.
(0)(0)James Crary says:
July 3, 2021 at 6:38 pm
Gibberish, haunting and inane. How dare you ignore the genocide of the covid bomb. Listen you, the mthffkcrs responsible have long since engaged in warrior sanskrit; they tortured and gassed me in a place called Kings Estate; they set up two virgins pussyball clocked to the AIDS attack; stupid mthfckers ~ they brutalized me with namesake agents Donald, Ronald Zzsinski and Caspar in 1974; they brutally the girl who crossed the Obama/Biden picket and taught me sign language after deafening me; they charted evil for each and every symbol of my violated and specially marked psyche, Iowa Molly was hunted down and killed by a Latino for UW Dialectical because Molly is the name of my niece and I identify with Iowa because of my father, deceased of Bush's ship in the Navy; used Ramos as a signifier in murdering journalists for the same UW affinity group; used ROSA in a sexual violent attack on me as a deaf library clerk, TO YOUR GLEE, murdered Saoirse and her two kin as a means of delivering my letter of suffering as their message of evil; there are so many exhibitions of their stalking and mayhem as warrior sanskrit and you STUPID STUPID mthfckrs think the whole thing is great because of Ono money????? STUPID STUPID mthrfckrs. How many of our grannies did you murder today
6:24 AM (9 hours ag
The Beatles, Congress, Martin Sheen, Trump, Yoko Ono and their fan base piss on the Kennedys routinely. They murdered Saoirse after doing plastic to her mind to show their contempt. Plain and simple. The murderers laugh that Reagan didn't know. It's routine for them. Tim Kaine types in Pennsylvania Masons and Labor. They poured ACID on my face and nobody ever said a fucking thing.
How America Smothered Banquo
Mac Crary <>
Fri, Jul 2, 4:27 PM (23 hours ago)
I was tortured and robbed of my life by a syndicate run by Donald Trump and Saoirse Kennedy's death has come to symbolize what happened to me. We have been, Our Commonwealth, through a tremendous ordeal of MacBeth, my note is simply to answer where is Banquo? I believe understanding how the role of Banquo was erased and in fact counterfeited is the issue above all we face. To surrender this article I trace matters back to the 70's. It will offend the roving hand of MacBeth. The issue of this is long overdue. One could, I suppose, rest against such a case on the substance of mythology but since mythic issues play substantial roles in the Civil Rights Movement, I would argue that much more is at stake. For example, Ella Baker and Bob Moses both said that the Civil Rights Movement made Martin Luther King, he did not make the Movement, yet they fail to explain why then it fell apart when he was wronged. The answer of Banquo would read that Ralph Abernathy, a wildly underestimated man, was not suited for the role of Banquo. A fixation on mythology does have its limits as the exodus to Seattle and subsequent acts of evil demonstrate clearly. You might ask, am I suggesting that I am Banquo? To understand that question, much less any answer, you need to ask whose Banquo, Shakespeare's who does not accuse MacBeth, or the more languid idea of a Banquo who does, a Banquo who was never party to murder at all, simply got in the way. Because Banquo, in Shakespeare, is too impure to reckon with an evil despot, Banquo, the ideal, must be defined outside of the Shakespearean mode, but enough of this. Banquo figures deeply enough in sophomore mythology to serve the purpose I mean.
Seattle has long protested that I am a cheat and should be cheated. Cheating me of a right to go to school meant nothing to them. When seizing property and distributing it the fact that I was working on lucid and important research meant and still means nothing to them. They have a hatred fixxe so do Pittsburgh. With extremely rare exceptions not one person professing to be a friend, family or mentor anything but actively and palpably despises my achievements. Frankly, if I agreed with this low opinion, I would probably change. You might ask me tactfully, does an essay about the historic status quo really have to be about me personally? In the sense that poisoning me provided a group answer for the Obama crowd, reluctantly I feel that it does. The level of deaf-shaming that has gone on is outrageous. Hillary Clinton's absurd pimpery towards me proves the lie that she was an opponent of Trump.
50 years ago is quite a long time, but there are unresolved questions about how the two fields of dreams overlapped and are said to have merged between sex, drugs and rock 'n roll, ... that 60's, and the Civil Rights Movement. Ono survived. How did she end up with the yokes on the throats of the bereaved? And why did they amend to it? Is the obvious reason of money alone to explain acceptance of all the crimes? I believe Ono misused effectively the ghost of Banquo, that Geo Lucas, Attenborough and other absolute Draculas gave long and careful thought to how Lennon could use the ghost of his death from off-stage after faking it. Does their explanation make more sense? Their explanation, endorsed by Seattle is that entrapment in a one night stand of a deaf person was assassination ... by me?... of the Black Male Image and that Roberto Clemente therefore raped a retarded Asian deaf girl with epilepsy and that when this was insufficent satisfaction to the rage of Lennon over AIDS the same people who did all this were allowed yet again to author the covid atrocity while threatening us with more. That makes more sense than a trick?
Pittsburgh left Injun sign of flying saucers to browbeat down any inquiry. They put Witold Woyzeck in charge of the ACLU or something when Vaclav Havel was still around. It is a name with the dungeon master suggestion of linguistic anthropology that mis-spells WEDUNNIT into WE FOUND IT. If you understand that Trump knew Warhol and that Foucault was in charge of suicide intelligensia antics you are not far from realizing the poetry in Reagan's telltale relationship with his real Philadelphia in Mississippi. If Reagan didn't fake it what was I doing there with his attorneys when he claims he was shot and why did it come to wave to me? One can imagine the hard-on for copy by poachers and lackeys. And how does that help us re-imagine the truth about Lennon's strategic wizardry. If you say helping the AIDS attackers accomplish the covid bomb isn't trickery, I, I, I, I believe you.