Based on the way I have been treated in the past, I take it as a given that the people I am addressing do not believe me or just don’t care. I am going to school at the end of my life instead of at the beginning and people don’t do it that way usually. Ancient, traditional societies and those owned and run by landed aristocrats are able to draw lines and tangents perceptively between things. Going back to school can be seen as comparing notes between what the school believes about the world and what it offered, at least to me, or as re-examining the issues of merit and achievement under the hierarchical form provided in modern higher learning. In some jargons concerning secret societies there is a phrase called “limited hangout” which means to show only what you want to be seen or interpreted. I call attention to a second way that same term can be used, a limited hangout meaning a place of elite welcome, where the right to hang out is limited.
A parallax is in operation concerning my mystery solving interests, by which I mean to say the same material can be viewed very differently depending on how it is presented and the subtle qualifications by which the unknowns are adjusted to be presented as points of interest. Part of the situation involves the ability (and the development through public education of the ability) to perceive the presence of a mind, a Svengali, from Pentagon-Disney, counterfeiting higher power. Like the Climate Change situation, I have been giving people information they need to understand things and change, however, I am marginalized with little reach and have suffered serial brutality over my papers. It is strange to hear this called leadership.
Being an older student, I do know this, contrary to the mythic perception cultivated by the Green Party, the Union is not in a position to say they are promoting the more honorable objective in glorifying multicultural ecology while Clint Eastwood makes a film about a botany nerd who ends up in prison. These are the same faction who scoffed at ecology when I tried to raise it with them in the 70’s. They made it their bully pulpit to overshadow other matters. It must be pretty important to call a time-out from global warming. I’m sorry if it seems I have a temper when growing short talking with professionals. It is simply that I want action, not reflection, and the action I want is intellectual in nature, by which I mean to undermine the power of an attacker who really harmed our society by compromising their ability to persuade by obscurity. They say that cockroaches and racists are scared of the light, likewise are rock stars. They have shot into the light often enough to leave a pretty impressive little murder dossier on my tidy desk.
Understanding that you give the magnificent Beatles power is difficult to grasp because they seem too titanic and energetic to be affected by your druthers, but that’s wrong. Overthrowing the palace begins in your own mind, and the grip they exercise there is reason enough to see why you should try, especially when you learn the truth. This will get very interesting. In this presentation you will meet the Donald J. Trump you only fear exists, the real one. Trump itself, as part of the name game operation, signifies the brutal dominion of the plutocracy in exercising the 2nd Amendment’s reign of terror over the First.
Possibly you will notice that I am addressing you on how to protect yourself, meaning how to understand what has happened in the serenity of your soul. This will seem a little bit odd when you think about the Courthouse. It is proven that our society lacks the power to deal legally with the organized crime that has overthrown our jurisdiction. The attackers depict even knowing what they did as punishable revolt.
I want to visit how strategic this is by going back in time to the society of the early 70’s where I was assaulted and nearly killed. Two young boys played a similar game on me before a gang of men descended on me with slaughtering blows. Andrew Peckham wanted me to throw a rock at the Hebrew Institute bus and yell, “Smelly Institute,” as he did. I held back. William Rodd wanted me to make fun of the English kid’s accent so he could say he had a reason “to start getting nasty.” Gail Burstyn wrote early on in her screed about, That Was Then, This Is Now, with the memorable scene that ends, “I just wanted to be sure that I hated you.” When Cartieri slaughtered me after him giving me the finger over and over and over before I gave it back, it was the Andrew and William system. When Kasperowski attacked me brutally blindside, saying, “I heard you called me an asshole,” when I had never seen him before, it was the Andrew and William system. When I called for the abolition of the monarchy over the evidence in the hexagram built by the frauds in London between my name, James MacRyland Crary, a surrogate baby sent down to give cowhooves to black rage, and John Fitzgerald Kennedy, waves of thinking attended the upload of the entire storybook that unrolled. One of the new chapters involves an other Kennedy murder, how drool, for being an abolitionist towards the Royal right of looters to assassinate our children? Then blame your lack of decency on rumors. That isn’t a threat, it’s just a desire to demote you of that illegitimate reign by legal means, and if none are available at least not to let you occupy the sovereignty of my own mind.