Have no desire to obstruct the ride of Biden’s cavalry, a very urgent affair. Dissenting badly needed intervention is a troubling business. We have known for decades that pollution was limiting our future, yet pushed it to the point where Greta Thunberg could announce with good timing the need to follow science, a comment Saul Brechner made in 1973. The removable term is Christian science. We’ve committed a democratic massacre. In being asked to live with mistreatment that is grounds for war, good old death in the family Joe reminds us of the Capitol Dome symbol of the Civil War as a gang project, with beautiful words that dreams are built together, while ignoring the half-destroyed symbol they want to “purposefully exclude,” the way they picked off Kennedys. Agreed that we all know what fascists will do if given half a chance, but there is something exceedingly oily about the way that McConnell’s transition fits the role of adept insider. McC’s transition is a sign that Trump and Biden worked this all out.
Joe Biden is revealed by the dream fulfillment laid bare in the company he keeps. He tainted his presentation with the refrain “come together,” but if we go the road of the other McC’s noxious influence we will spend the next four years haunted by the noxious fumes of David Bowie’s Saviour Machine, singing, “President Joe once had a dream,” as this Warhol ghoul gloated of war and plague yet to be. The courtship ritual of unity with the criminally insane is unwelcome.
It’s a shame so many people are either too callow to admit or confused about how Biden emerged from Trump, as though the caprice of a monster from a different dimension. Both of them are capitalists who see themselves as altar boys, if not, in Trump’s strange case, as God Almighty. Does Covid really resemble the Spanish Flu or AIDS? Germ labs being overlooked in an agreement of No Fault when there is a lot of early precursors, and timing, has been mooted out in a society where Free Speech is more and more often derided as self-injury. Biden’s lair bears a revealing resemblance in the biological politics of pussyball eugenics, to how the NAACP mongered up Mt. Desert Island. There was Bush, who used a runt from his ship, a liberal runt, as example and anti-familiar of the host, Lennon, who Klobalczar quipped in Gurdiev sign by a lock behind her ear on cue at the word Love, the synthesizer of Gail Burstyn’s Holy War cause. In the metaphor of the Capitol Dome we are hearing the richos explain their reasoning in the minority symbolism of the democratic massacre, identical to Alpana’s task at Pitt, where I was watched for the self-injury of Free Speech by Masons! Masons! A black caseworker named JB was on hand while working theater with Stuart Sheppard whose legendary friend Shawn Brooks, the castrating moral pimp of the VA’s god path whose pornographic assistants are on hand in Seattle Clubhouse, adjacent to the plan of Trump-Biden to make clear that the money is Christian money and resistance means smoke expectancy.
All to the clucking digest of fair.
When Jack Ruby and Reagan struck down JFK it was to promote Trump’s machine, the one where Japanese Pornography is in tight with Queen Elizabeth’s Church of England. Having conceived of porno for the Church of Satan they controlled from the Carousel Club a scripted lesson for the benefit of Mr. K. I was purposefully surrounded by unsavory people like Phil Dolence bragging of his “parcel of rogues” and “sperm cell workshop.” The Nation must have laughed as they divulged oh so innocently that the staged oppression of Congress was designed around Gordon’s Rebellion of away ago, because the chump Hitchens evoked the execution by Clinton of a lobotomy patient when justifying his cruel plan with Trump to fulfill the curse of Leslie Katz, worked out with Smackwater Jacks at Community College of Allegheny County.
The so-called arts of Oliver Stone and other sophisticates of Hollywood, Spielberg, King, and so on, aware that Veronica Lake was a King Edward darling, have long included symbols of the plan to unite Black and whites in common hate. The script itself came from a lookalike of Carole King named Sharon Samuels who was my neighbor when the Greenville gang who killed my dad tore up his cashmere coat by feeding it to their dog, named Yuri to be identified with Wattenmaker’s Tito.
Contrary to legend about Katz, the cheap and sleazy and as usual unprovoked act in this performance ritual began with JFK when McC’s couldn’t hack the preference of a greater identity on his turf. Sony music, Penis SInfield and Mz. Goto, both Trump’s tuning out the queerbait with the sigh, Oh Cyril, conceived of their supremacy as being made gaga over the deafened wus of the San Jacinto who was given alternative sado-satisfication as the roundabout Jimmeee Jagger wannabe, a porno art object from the Church of Satan. They ignore the symbol of the destroyed because they confer recognition only on those they abandoned to the mindset of the mugging.
Biden has yet to show he isn’t in on this criminal insanity and its bionic headhunt.