Donald Gruber:  Claimed I stuffed clay in my prick after Mendel decided it was small, ordered it lanced, yielding a liberal 10 year old who pees with forked prong.  Gruber is 50 cents of Schicklgruber, Hitler’s maiden name according to Woody Allen.

       Donald Finnegan:  A towering individual who used to make beat you up gestures at me, but supposedly never did, a laugh when, in reality, Wattenmaker, Tive, Cartieri, Gellomini softened me up for an armed gang who felled me repeatedly with slaughtering blows, Goldie, Zssinski, Pitman, Kasperoski, Martino and unknown individuals leaving me with scars on my eyes forty years later from the savagery, resulting in bizarre actions of warfare in Chinatown when a doctor dared to diagnose battery.

        Donald Ostro:  a pedophile who held me custody in what was best described by John Stockwell’s use of the term CIA safehouse.   

        Donald Gordon:  a collector of names at University of Pittsburgh whose son was introduced to me outside Cyril Wecht’s at East/West Circuit Road.

         Donald Crary:  A mysterious rumored Uncle from Dallas City.

         Donaldson:  My maternal grandmother’s maiden name.

         Donald Duck, a Disney character who was used in virtual solidarity with Adolf Hitler in pre-war cartoons.

         Donald Trump and his fascist minions, including Nancy Pelosi, an obvious dacoit cover artist for him in Congress, have long played out a Folkways argument about assault and battery the centrality of which concerns having a “Trump” point for crimes so genocidal they dwarf treason, including the AIDS attack.  Lying about Mt. Desert Island, they claim a letter to Leslie Katz which they refuse to produce deserved the Pelosi, Sinead O’Connor treatment that the Pope’s picture received along with Trump’s speech after the theatrical gesture of refusing a handshake, much as JFK refused Dulles. All is in fluxus mode.

        Outside the 50 cents house I was put in Section 8 after heart poison, across from Bush Hotel, in the landscape moded International District, an apartment with the painted legend 50 cents, upper right hand corner of the overlook building, nearby there is one other den, N.P. Hotel.

         The Internet guarantee and media guarantee given to Trump’s gangsters when they murdered the Kennedy Brothers and planted the Texas Schoolbook on my house for their pilfer came up again today when the assholes in media debunked the idea that the forgeries of Oswald holding a rifle were forgeries.   These are the same murderers who won’t allow the fingerprints on my eyeballs to be reviewed, and gun down as punishers the safety base of those who hold the science evidence, which they rule inadmissible. The murderers tortured a child and still want to be believed about Oswald (over the Lucky Rabbit).

         The Folkways argument justifying serial mutilation, multiple homicides and genocide are all pervasively inveigled with this dominant clause of a “Trump” detail.   Jimmy Creary was deafened, so what Deanne Mancine seduced him as a child, so what that the adults all set it up, they inveigle their trump. T is for Trump, Hink about it, you followed the pussyball chase and still wanted to challenge Reagan’s war crime by appeal to Midori who lay in wait with the pornography and its script cackling with Hillary and Pelosi.  

          Donnie Chin and Ralph Proctor both had arguments to the effect that hard boiled swastikas were something else.  Chin said they were Buddhists symbols, Proctor said they were legendary African symbols. Having heard him declare Heinz an honorary African I’m inclined to believe the sordid, vicious, ugly, German, stockpile of rancid, evil swastikas he showed me were closer to his truth, straight out of Africa.  Faculty in Pittsburgh not only mutilated me as Warriors! Warriors! Creating a pale white voodoo effigy, they engage in gangsign towards me and there is absolutely no rational court of appeal.  

        The assassins sent cheerleaders to the front for the victims.  Somehow Trump got onto this idea of getting the victims to cheer their own killers.  It’s in the Burstyn script. It comes from Frank Zappa, who used to mock his audience very disturbingly after insulting them behind the screen of his guitar and then say, “But you all love it, don’t you.”  Only those paying no attention to his disturbing lyrics cheered, and that was almost everybody. This allowed Seattle Queers to mock that backing the Moral Majority, and the Silent Majority, meaning those who hate them most, was a legendary Stonewall, and for the pun they sacrificed all common cause in their own defense.  They had a trump, a Katz game from Leslie Katz, represented by Ivan Itkin, selling bad will towards me in defense of Ka-speroski. Ivan ‘n Ka trumped the science of child mauling. 

          Bambi Meets Godzilla has long sounded the bugle for Trump’s Pittsburgh in their mayhem of dragging little Jimmy through glass and then demanding T.   Bambi meets Godzilla perhaps consciously is about Kennedy meeting Trump.   

           Despite her bribes granted Seattle Left in return for a favor set to Magistrate Pechman’s gurgles, the evidence for prior agency in my family was always very clear all along, even before Nancy first represented me as “very anti-drug” in public and then privately saying, “don’t complain, marijuana is legal now.”   Pot, worse than treason, that’s the Dominant Clause that means Hitler can do anything.

          Sean Lennon was a ghoulish snitch who claimed to be setting things right by the 60’s establishing that his father was one of the Reagan team while denying exactly what that strange fact signifies.  It was all a cunning dance of names: Nancy, Barbara and Jody, a team of Jimmy Devlin, Jocelyn from Duquense with Davey Jones, announcing the cause of All In Sis Hole for the betrayers from Bayer.

Glorifying in the horrid mutilation and traffic of children, the ripper psychos of Seattle justified failure to warn in a destructive contest of wills demanding allegiance to the assassins.
