The protracted negligence about what Warhol and Mellon Bank have been doing couldn’t be more official.  A letter to Dow Constantine, King County Executive, of February 12, 2021 summed it up well enough:


      When you say that Racism is a mental health issue I agree, and some of it is related to its victims.  When you oblige however the Equity Scythe without calling it out, you lose me.  Environmental Justice is important but the idea that when we take climate change action this is our pledge fails to accept that the reality is covid was a mission crime.

        Your King County gang made me unwelcome at school, only to have two other schools recognize me for Honors and Phi Theta.  You allowed dastardly race baiters to poison me in the mouth as some sort of Environmental Justice idea related to AIDS while denying that fact.  Had I been listened to Covid could have been stopped before it happened.  So I'm not going to be very responsive to "when we take climate change action" remarks, now that it is perfectly obvious what the State of Washington means.

       Be seeing you by which I only mean to repeat my intent to leave for Massachusetts so I can testify in person how Seattle murdered Saoirse

       After this letter in the afternoon, President Ivan Harrell of Code Red College notified the community that a 23 year old student Anais Valencia has been shot dead.  Her initials AV are enough to grind the gears of military sociology who use these pegs for their Reptilican Party playstation.  The last few days their cyber-insurrection have tooled a porno image to use as an in-your-face pop up on my home computer with regularity.

         Chief Longlist Cudda removes anything that doesn’t service the Equity Scythe.  UW Dialectical perform gyrations constantly demanding intimate proofs of loyalty to cause in tribute solicitation.   Because of its utility to the Equity Scythe, Anais’ name served her badly.  British obsession with the cerebral takes megawatt sexbot luster on the level of how they reply to self-governing personality.  They see self-definition as vying with strategic command who impacted a neurotrauma to hold me before the studio camera as a dummy dacoit.

        Greg Karl’s faction likely “impinged” the murder of Anais as a cha[ter for their repossession syndicate with Warhol Associates.   UW Dialectical gargoyles lay in wait to detect the queerbait searching to see if “it” was pretty.  Was it white?  Look her up, they bellowed.   

        In the mind of the attackers and their imbecile cheering squad, throwaway rioters of the sort Stalin got going in the Warsaw Ghetto and then got bored with them, a sort of Saudi-sponsored revenge for Arab Spring, this Insurrection, no matter how treasured to their loved ones, the covid victims are just a ticker tape of names, suckers and losers, to be smiled at as nameless puppets who served,the claw of Sinfield barely bothering to scrawl faith on their pit,  a few symbols among whom can be used for mill-y-ions of rubles for controllers like Ono.