Failure to warn when they claim they knew in 1984 and refusal to discuss on the part of school administration are accepted characteristics of the AIDS X-termination.  The evidence clearly shows authorship by those, like Yoko Ono, who claimed that Lennon was the soul of the 60’s movement. His soul, they claim, was wrongfully put in my hands, they claim I failed him, and have poisoned me while using me for slave labors justifying their failure to warn.   Acceptance of failure to warn about critical and urgent information during an international health crisis has been justified by Japanese sadism of a Unit 731 style with the accomplice of the NAACP. All of this is easily verified. Trump media put it forward as an entertainment system.

        The British use a Beatles override put together primarily by the criminal brilliants behind acid rock, notoriously King Crimson who lived in the Dakota in New York with Boris Karloff and the disappearing man.   When n’yer big like Ringo Starr, and the Pittsburgh Steelers think your sex crimes are swell, you don’t needa explain. World War Two had some very significant obscure writers like Walter Benjamin and Ignazio Silone.   Congress, slowly circulating word of my poetry and condition as a battered individual, probably buy into Penis Gabriel’s leer that his custody of the situation is a special Smithsonian Folkways recording from NASA, even though the script they are defending comes from a creepy pornography giant, Neva Corporation, and Reagan’s Hollywood, as a pyre for the afflicted, and a murderous crime against the liberation trend.

         It is just like Congress, who Frank Zappa openly spurned, and whose Supreme Court Larry Flynt spat at, to think, why this James M. Crary is another Vaclav Havel, myuh.   They didn’t rape Olga as Jeannie was in fact so done. They didn’t severely mutilate Havel and other dark American secrets. Havel was a Parliamentarian not necessarily a non-violent 60’s deaf library clerk.   True we are both writers who have gone through long hostage ordeals by unjust and criminal powers, but Havel was in occupied Eastern Europe not the United States of America. Instead of reason, we get new ideas of comparison, well, America is where Kennedys are killed, myuh, right as rain.

        Everyone knows this is the Arts Council tabloid roster of names.   It comes from Warhol, allowed those who started AIDS to openly and brazenly claim that the 911 airplane attacks were tribute to Lennon, and confiscate their own script for storytelling rights.  Underwriting this is Prince Charles’ notions of hardsell endorsed by Harpers Magazine. I’ll try to take you through a little of what they are programming you to think without saying, a sort of Sybil Nostra at work through Fox Executive Media.  The only point I have made so far worth repeating is that failure to warn was followed by refusal to discuss. In fact, they have made discussion dangerous by poison genie luring on the cyberstalking waves.

         Warning could have saved countless lives.  Who cares? Lisps Penis J. Sinfield, the Trump toady of the mission house.  Seconded by his ripper dacoits in Seattle, they leer that the story is of gigantic value and that the movement was already defeated because of the staged and phony disappearance of Lennon which they announce caustically to be true fact.  Lennon, the spirit of the 60’s resistance movement, they go on perilously, was the bosom pal of HitlerReagan the sacred American. So therefore, all rise for Trump and secret world guru Ringo, masters of reality. Answering this is so pedestrian and unworthy that I’m surprised anyone subscribes to it in the first place, but as one of the Fox/Warhol church military secret police John Lucarelli-Alucard never fails to quip, in quoting Mencken, from among his once mountainous collection of murder mysteries, “No one ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American people.”  Nor, for that matter, King Crimson.

          John Hinckley was never anti-Reagan.   The whole carcass of faith that Lennon and Reagan were as one in victimization, an idea put together by autocrats of cinema with the help of lisping, credulous Fenton Bresler, on behalf of terrorists who molest children in East Liberty District of Pittsburgh, is based on the idea that John Hinckley and Mark David Chapman were partners in a secret crime of jealousy hotwired into cinema-plexes everywhere by the dreadful sorrows of Jodie Foster and De De Mancine, starlet of the one-bullet Pittsburgh DeNiro script from the friends of Spike old Lee.   Yet John Hinckley was a friend of the Bush menagerie. He was never anti-Reagan. Getting around the idea that Mark David Chapman was one of those Franklin Graham extremists that Queen Elizabeth so loves also takes work. Who was Sean Strub and what he was doing there would be a telltale toll of the bell. We don’t discuss Foucault’s role in the Iranian hostage crisis either, or the true meaning of the symbol 444 days. Suicide pilots, in other words, can’t be allowed to tip the hand of Cliff Richardson, the cliff-hanger dude of the nuclear ultimatum, the trump of the cats game from Ash Company.

          Reagan and Lennon both faked it to outhigherness their duplicity in the murder of JFK and promotion of King Edward’s Warhol revenge therapy concepts for Adolf Hitler’s labyrinthian revenge.   It’s cerebral stuff from Ono’s cronies, Brian Eno, and was sanctioned in Seattle by the usual ripper hatters.    

         The NAACP loverboys of Ono doctrine carry on about how pleasure-some it is to knock out a white.   Then, in their audacious misuse of hope, they bang on about not trusting them. The NAACP went to Vietnam as allies of LBJ and for years it was impossible to get any of them to admit that the Civil Rights legislation they crow was an achievement of LBJ was written by JFK over the objections of those who said, well, okay, when they were done with him.    The Cold War NAACP, for no really momentous reason, failed to call Reagan insane for what he was doing in industry by building fleets of nuclear weapons on a planet he was determined to doom. I was told by an Army official in 1987, “It is widely believed in the Pentagon that the earth just isn’t going to make it (but) who cares, I’ve lived a good life.”   In other words, a balance of evil is nothing new to the NAACP and that’s their objective in a war game like pussyball.  

         Peculiar as it is to point out the obvious, the incident at Pitt, so-called Louie adultery that provided the Union block for Midori Goto’s war machine, two virgins, was an incident created by the KKK, who attacked me, in refraction through the churches of Shawn Brooks and Harold T. Lewis to convince the King Family that failure to warn was an acid test over loyalty to the Black Man.    It brought the NAACP in line with the KKK in failure to warn and gave them full boodle of grievance in wearing their horns proudly, over an incident the arrangement of which was the woman in question working for a war machine at a Biblical pornography giant that still has a cast of suicide bombers. All of this was called priceless when hard-wired to Victor Frankl and Pierre Penis Elliot of Gurdiev cluck’s symbolic mayhem agency at Warhol Bank.  The victims, Penis Gabriel crowed, are as one with their teachers.

          None of these circuits take our laws, our children’s safety, our public schools, our newspapers, our right to know laws, the truth, our dignity, our individuality, our rights, our norms or our sanity seriously in the least.  They are infinite unto von high.

          African richos of the Ayn Rand variety clearly played a huge role in orchestrating this madness.   King Edward was familiar with the google eyes of virtue playing for a bag of gold. You might remember if you read me regularly that this crime began with a foreign English in East Liberty District, and his gang at Eastminster Church, who got nasty over Billy Rodd teasing him, and like Cuppy Peckham before him targeting the Jews, trying to get me to take pleasure in what he was doing, just to make sure they hated me.   Cuppy, by the way, is a nickname from the Hollywood circuit Edward was working with, and he had a tarty Valedictorian at my school, an Asian girl, named Ke, popular with black athletes and the Holocaust Jewry, from Taiwan.

           King Edward sure got around, and Pittsburgh was a nice back lot for his sadism and redemption at Disney.

           The birth mother (No.More - N. Moore) used to say I was from the “same racial stock” as Harry Truman.   Reagan’s last film, The Killers, was the first film made for TV. This encryption for Mili-Terri Visco played out when the roots of the Oswald crime appeared at CMU language laboratory’s rabbit in the hat trick for the parrots of Penis-vania.   They held me in crying shame and hostage at Climax-One, cunting my brain with sordid tales of the strippers and extruding it for Lennon Foundation laughs when squeezing the impacted neuroplasm for the Rock Lesson of the Wesen Rollie oil from Nancy Drew waegelan.   Duz migliosi affect yuh mutha? Nahit affects your roehm, myuh.

           Anyone who thinks it was personal weakness or stupidity that forced me to take the heart agent that led to reduced sexual function and diabetes is ignoring the ripper murder of Shannon, the death of Iowa Molly, the mouth poison crime and other details of the Warhol agenda, but then, ignoring all this is part of failure to warn and refusal to discuss, for the bloody crimson carpet of the coming King.  Merkel isn’t Kilmer so hehn, just hehn.
