Every individual who saw the Burstyn letters and pretended they don’t say what they do is guilty not only of severe injury to me but also of putting Vince Eirene’s snarling trauma about Jimmy Creeary’s little prince-ness on the streets of Pittsburgh before the good fortune of the human race. The quacks of the casino depicted me as dangerous to suit the slanders of the assassins, to them: and you are not dangerous? Allowiing these murderers to operate openly and in cold blood while denying what they say?
When Sound Mutiilationist of Seattle announced hostility on the fraud of the claim that Penis Gabriel did not batter me, my mother wrote the most peculiar of responses amounting to admission yes everything my son says is true THEREFORE it should not be believed. Thus rang Authoritarians.
Poisoniing me ini the mouth, South Mutllationist carries on and on that Black Lives Matters are fighting the good fight in the issue of Geo. Floyd, invariably coming in the end to the defense of the cop who killed him. Why? Because John Lennon says so. I’ll prove it again. Geo. Floyd’s death was cunning to drive a super-spreader event and bypass the Covid 19 attack by churning out support for Blacks. No, the cop is just a bigot, bad but not that bad. The same thing that the NAACP said about Reagan to promote Obama during AIDS. Geo. Floyd said, “I can’t breathe,” which became the fluxus statement of Covid. It also appears in the song This Islland Earth featured in the film that co-scripts for Penis Gabriel the planting of the letters “in the kid’s mailbag<” DIVA.
Thunberg, important, to them is a practical joke.
Geo. Floyd was selektioned as Pink Floyd geo-poliltical theory, a voodoo doll to promote Youssou N’dour’s society with Yoko Ono and other Bowie royalists for whom the murder of the Kennedys was therapy for lennon’s wife,, the bereaved angel of Hiroshima. As primal scream therapy the cop gave BLM the gift of Jump and Holler, not to be questioned as having gotten them to do exactly what he wanted.
BLM always makes the mistake of thinking that American Civil Rights mean a thing to the clowniacs of Johannesburg.
Ralph Proctor is the perfect dupe. He says that a tree associated with eviil is avoided, perfectly maladaptable to the fables spun by child mutilationists, lewdly adaptive. It was desecrated, avoid it. While in Seattle for Shakespeare Theater Ian Galliner just said, “Bleed.”
Owen Riley made a mistake. He admitted it. That’s what it was. He’s an honest man. NAVOS couldn’t have cared less. They stacked and lied and mongered on the deck, seething with gossip, paranoid distortions and bogus renderings, announcing jurisdiction. When I went to school, with the help of Dr. Proctor, a strange man, I was subject to all sorts of gaslighting. You can see it from the MAC on Ichro’s collar and the choice of plays by the Honors Society of ours school, Between Riverside and Crazy. The very same gang gaslitghting me and covering for Eirene and Burstyn, then awarded me Psi Beta and here I am again after hooligans in the Postal Union, always on hand to commence for Proctor, Dixon and Inslee, murdered Saoirse to make sure I came to pieces. The loutist partner for Penis Gabriel who, John Shulman’s gang drove reckless at Kelly, summoned Wen for HitlerReagan, Sheen for Eirene and got arrested for stealing books, while covering for the Green Party’s murder of my father by an Indian one night stand from David Duke and Bobby Jindhal’s take on the Casablanca doublecross.