“The discipline of the truth is the hardest of all the disciplines that must be followed by artists and scientists.” - Ivan Svitak

    Lennon’s death was and is a scam.  It was staged and phony:  An alliance between fascist Israelis, Oswald Mosley and redneck citizens band to realign the Axis behind Detroit auto-workers and launch a run on the bank to promote international human trafficking under conditions of disaster.      

      Wattenmaker, the most powerful military hypnotist in the psychiatry department of Attica State Prison, who somehow got me delivered to his house as a neighbor in Pittsburgh, and Attenborough worked out the mission through narrative organized by Star Trek, with the help of MisterRogers and WQED fulminating the scurrilous, facelying tongues of Pittsburgh and Seattle with the gloat “yinz are honorary Liverpudlians”.  

     Ian  Wattenmaker took me to a film titled:  The Incredible Two-Headed Transplant with the disturbing line, “now I gotta teach this moron how to walk.”  Inflicting brain trauma, adult offenders used terrorism to take me hostage under neuro-compulsion for studio drama activity sanctioned by the bigot Sheriff and the jailhouse Confederates .  

While Seattle dacoits in the NAACP cheered this KKK activity as giving it to the pale liberal white hypocrite (ie. a historic little boy)the German Green Party moved Black Panthers into play, licky chops, for Japanese war avengers and South Africa Secret Service from a Trumpytune martial direction.