Greta Thunberg did what she thought was best in giving money to protect children in Yemen from covid through Unicef. It was her precinct. She tried to warn the world about cliimate. She lives to help the children of the future. Maybe it would have been a more magnanimous gesture to help the elderly of Yemen. But at least she tried to warn and made a financial commitment to her beliefs.
By contrast, Seattle Queers sided with the covid attackers again, playing down their terrible cruelty and treachery in the AIDS attack, they never tried to warn anybody, they played it was all a jackpot game and for them it still is. Heaped in alliance with parochial misogyny, they used pornography to hustle up a pornographic starlet from an All-Girls School, while mesmerizing a theory of communist contagion around a myth of Bill Gates’ search for the immaculate swallow.
Not many people know I sent a picture of Saoise to 1717 Federal Building Tac when the covid explosion began only to be call-responsed’ by the N’dour Hustler Unit Band with the disappearance of two more Kennedys. But it happened. Jay and Ringo got the virgin from me at the Donald Trump War Party auction in 1992 and Seattle Stranger has laughed everyday since at my screams of anguishing agony before the quasi-board of Fauci Faucher Fauc’dher.
Trump destroyed your society. It was obviously planned. He kidnapped your children and got you to laugh. He took your weapons and acted as though deterrence was a communist theory. He took your wife and made a pussyball game out of pornographic arrangements. He built a wall so you will never escape. He canceled sports and schools. And you can’t say anything, it’s too dangerous, so just comply. He murdered JFK in Times Square but let’s not bicker and argue over who killed hue.
Opening scene of the Man From Uncle, no. 1, 1964 starring Robert Vaughn, born Nov. 22, a watchdog on the 1960 JFK campaign. The first scene describes the reappearance of Nazis long believed dead and dictators plying wives from Greek warships.