There are reasons you don’t want anything to do with Seattle or University of Washington.  You do not support a gang that poisons someone in the mouth who was tortured as a child by the KKK and give as their justification bizarre Africology in defense of exploitation by child trafficking mayhem calling it an art statement dedicated to the public trust.  It isn’t done and nothing can be said in support of those actions, bottom line, they are criminally insane. However, they have power, and grave, credulous sway, intrigue and personality cults, so it stands to reason to listen up.

       It doesn’t do any good to try and reason with them, because they had it all figured out in advance to arrive through gang processes at ka-ching, the munificent and noble cash register of enrichment for their gang plans.   Towards this end they cancelled out on my rights and dignities with a big, fat, coarsely painted X mark. I didn’t even go to their school, but I am now in Tacoma Community College.

       A history professor here showed us the film Mildred Pierce, more than ironically, the school sits on the corner of Mildred and Pierce Streets.  I mentioned that Joan Crawford, the star, was in Dallas with Nixon the day JFK was done in. Students looked sideways as if to wonder if that was legal knowledge, though I congratulated myself for knowing the fact, as I now know Tacoma was one of the last places he spoke before they wheeled him to his final performance for Hollywood.

       My father Ryland had some students to be cautious of in Bethany before he sickened and died with his obituary a form of graffiti with German Green Party, a comment about injecting parochial values signed Donohue, one of these students was a malicious Jew, beautiful girl who introduced herself with the name of an old lady from the Medical Library where he turned up with no appetite after Mer and Erlen (magic fingers waving from his occult lore in the history collection) told me we’d rejected a nutrition center, and Nyguna Kabugi.  The gun bug dude from Ny which is pronounced J, jug goon na, who else I donohue.

       So we get these crimes, the plaque generating crime now in my jugular vein from the poison in the mouth, my father sickening and police planting bedbugs in my home for my birthday.   We get these crimes, and they are for real, in the context of a report about the origin of AIDS, which showed up in 1984 at the Medical Library of the FEMA, the first four digits of my Social Security Card.   All of it under the billboard of the German Green Party.

          I live in Tacoma not under the government of Merkel but a representative named Kilmer.   Hoodwinkers online bray that Elizabeth Warren enjoys what the Israelis call environmental economics.  This means the New York moneybags say ick ick and so you get bedbugs for your 59th birthday. This situation was put together by New  York City over a long period time with the help of the Ivy League Polly Saltonstall sect from Mt. Desert Island. They impinged their leers on the tragedy to impose a confiscation narrative.  Having inflicted the tragedy of deafness, which guaranteed rejection from polite society they then inflected an ick-ick story with hired killers from Harvard. This is how Obama went about processing the AIDS attack for Donald Trump with whom he has long been working in partnership.

         The use of social processes for the circulation of innuendo and smear is how the information units of the murder mayhem conceal the hand of higher education behind a wall of psychiatric noise.   They have lodged their idea of a war game in the political psyche as easy money.    Don’t you just want to give in and be accepted by the Beatles Mystery Planners?

         It is my belief that murder as self-promotion and the circulation of poison was on the agenda for Yoko Ono all along.   She and Lennon quoted Errol Flynn’s refrain from a film, “He who fights and runs away lives to fight another die.” This is what happened to Hitler, who went into hiding and operated as Kasper, the hidden Imam.  Flynn was a notorious Nazi double agent. From the very beginning of my life when a man named Billy Flynn proved he could run circles around me in gym class, the Jews have referred to me as fungus amongus. That’s their nick for something you gotta get rid off.  Helping them in Pittsburgh, also from the beginning, has been Catholic Worker who sent in Martin Sheen to enforce an involuntary poverty decree and who, if anyone, would be my suspect in convincing Saoirse Kennedy to commit suicide, if that’s what really happened, because there is evidence she was murdered.

       As Penis Gabriel tutters on his sicko album about elephant contagions, “it was planned, dummies.”  Maybe he should have said, Yojimbo dummies.

       Yoko Ono says queerbait is one that means she GITS to use the NY bug gun J Donohue to kill Ryland, git me?