Dialectical UW-ism involves a tripmaster. James W. Child used to talk about Preference Theory, the idea seemed to weigh in favor of for example people preferring to be lied to, an idea of choosing against one’s ethics because of for example, pleasure. It seems to be in the language system that put Rather in charge of Dealey Plaza for CBS. The smirk of women weighed in heavily over the cancellation of JFK’s currency as a stud bull in power circles. Donald the child trafficker in Pittsburgh used to leer that women wanted pleasure, too. Tokyo Host Clubs in fact cater to the fantasies of what Thos. Mann called Black Swans. Rather than repeat things that would offend my grandparents, I always sided with the dignity of liberated women who I felt might be on the downside and looking for reform. This upset the system in Pittsburgh and at UW, so, since they couldn’t git me to say anything derogatory outright about the tape agent Swimmer they proclaimed that they knew what I was thinking, instead. They didn’t say I was thinking her ward, a friend of my mother, Tunney, should quit rubbing her boobs on me during Christmas parties and eyeing me lewdly.
Mother’s friend Eskridge was loth to let on that he knew Dr. Simons who set me up through the Society of Military Engineers (Todd Kaufmann) with the cover girl for her feminist magazine in Illinois. What all this sensurround suggests is that the language community of the Shakespearean Texas Schoolbook about restoring the 50’s through strategic viruses isn’t just the dragon who is the big friend of little Greta, but that Chelsea is indexed to Swimmer in that Bush was pulled from a chilly sea for which he may have blamed my father and this morphed into a nerve agent that pegged me for harboring jealousy, sort of like Greta Garbo hiding the wicked dress in painted veil, when women smirk, it is yes sir to Muhammed Ali, forward in all non-toxic macho, men, to preserve the virginity and respect the veiled women.
UW in other words, their tripmasters were looking for a sly remark that they could say proved the victimization of the smirking woman. In Hollywood circles like the criminally insane Paul McCartney, whose le femme Nikita Jackie Onassis was the ultimate smirking doll in the house, hypocrisy gets by by seeing to be the sincerity standard of the perfect men, for whom all preference shows deference. The problem is that duplicity isn’t hypocrisy and it has a different standard of sincerity, it is studied doublecross. Hypocrisy in other words is the mask of sincerity worn by duplicity.
What could it have been but duplicity for Penis Fripp to howl against personal correspondences while Penis Gabriel cajolled that the queerbait would rather hottie. What could it be but duplicity for Spike ole Lee to leer with all sexism she’s gotta have it while champagning his lewd sniveling as the fine wine of women’s true liberation? Just try controlling one by respect who is on a mission to use the whore’s prerogative on a deaf golem in the baking refrigerator of a nerve agent, a child captured by the Warhols linked to the Mansons. Look no further than his search for love in explaining why you mutilated him to the platform of the slogan: a penny earned is a penny betrayed.