The Beatles were a revision on the true face of Adolf Hitler and the consequences are forever all around us after the Covid bomb.  The Federal Bureau of Investigation are a preposterous embarrassment.  Not one lasting legacy was provided by the Roosevelt Administration to counter the power of their ancient nemesis who skunked us by escape and a long act of playing possum.  The zuklear threat of the Wattenmaker team is brazen:  Chinook publishing The Hero to set up the murder of Donnie Chin, the Monks of War at Code Red College dogging after me with bicycle aggressors showing me images of their Tridents, the Seattle FLASH card and the sudden attacks without mercy on my head, slaughtering blows and 911 in NYC set up by Ichiro’s build up to breakdown in 2001, the anthrax is what, and Seattle’s Chinatown was a very important scenario.

        It was in Kinokuniya Bookstore of UWAtagoosejimma am plaza that the magazine stand that so often extols Yoko Ono carried a glossy on the cover of which, arguing for the Green Party and Ecology, who regard mass murder as a bass player’s art exhibition, picky and choosy, headlined their product:  Would We Have Been Better Off If Hitler Won.  Yoko Ono’s crowd is hardly inconsistent in this promotion of Hitlter.  The bookstore carries My Friend, Hitler, and Warhol is known not only to have worked up the Burstyn letters through WQED in Pittsburgh, but also to have been photographed very tellingly with Donald Trump, whose sabine woman Hillary Clinton was in on the attack on Mt. Desert Island.  Why she chose the Jekyll Island familiar from Florida Hillary Logan, for Logan’s Run, a film about the murder of all people before old age, only became obvious with the bonus attack.  She was covering for Burstyn and the AIDS attack with Penis Gabriel.  

        Obama is a horrendous, devious criminal whose entire reign was a spiteful conjob.  He leered that Ming Na Wen’s plan, a Chinese Nazi plan, to assassinate or at least mutilate and torture, an earmarked golem being taped since childhood by WQED and the Neva Corporation was tribal justice.  His mind is the sickest, scariest voodoo troll ever to crawl from Black culture whose arguments are increasingly in favor of betrayal.  After wasting America’s prestige and wealth distributing weapons and poaching far and wide, the Axis changed their arguments.  Genocide is now population control and the Black Man are In Like Flint.

         We saw the face of the poacher king who emerged from the Hollywood dialogue machine in the rebuff of his Academy Award by Marlin Brando who raged vainly saying verily that the plight of Native Americans was too dear to him.  Germans always bring up Indians, crediting the USA with the act of a British General who distributed smallpox blankets.   Brando, a darling of Francis Ford Coppola, classmate of Donald Trump, was a friend of Mick Jagger who the Beatles evoked when they put Kennedy in their bandwagon for one last ride through a hogshead of real fire.

          We see the slick, assassinating violence of the Beatles again and again in the mayhem of AIDS and Covid, the background of gory assassination, underwritten by the demonic trump of Lennon’s faked and staged assassination to give Ono the horns she wears proudly.  The reason that UW Dialectical, who helped spawn the nattering about Black Lives Matter more than All Lives Matter during the Covid bomb geriatricide, killed Tupac Shakur is because his followers can be counted on to act out symbolically and that’s the magic button of Robert Anton Wilson’s crafty guitar measuring stick for settlement.

          The symbolic overlook of the attackers is the reason that the Axis could openly hum loudly of their own team, if you try to help them they will only turn on you.  Meanwhile, as America falls, Fox Media darlings like AOC make a mockery of our estate by turning on Andrew Cuomo for offering a game of strip poker, a ribald charge never proven.  Our dignitary offices do have to be sexless, but that doesn’t mean that feminist punks are entitled to whip up hysteria without evidence whenever they want to bring a politician down.  Where’s the evidence?  That AOC was sexually assaulted?  That proves Cuomo a groper?  It proves that women who have bad experiences cannot remain rational.  Nobody in their right mind thinks I admire Cuomo’s performance during Trump’s spitball war.  I just see the lubrication of the medium in the rush to judgement.

          Neva Corporation worked with WQED from childhood making child sex tapes of a battered, sickened golem and wants to cash in by making a tirade of Beatlemaniac feminist punks the total war payoff in the covid and AIDS abominations, courtesy the Seattle Green Party and Black Panthers.  The Beatles called it Clean Up Time.  They have Genesis and Rutherford Houses in the International Clubhouse Movement confiscating the terms for Executive Real Estate.  Real Estate is the objective of the Covid bombers, an old school foreign alliance who smacked the Kennedys heads off and announced that America, far from  being the world’s policemen, are witches to be burned at the stake as the root evil behind the world’s robust fruitful fertility and multiplying.  The override switch is Black Mania, and the holy cunt of the hour Midori Goto, under Obama, was the cheese in the Great Trump Mousetrap.

          The destructive betrayal behind the arguments of the losers at the NAACP couldn’t possibly be more obvious than from the fate of the Chicago Public Schools during the covid monstrosity.  Dr. Proctor of WQED was warned about Gail Burstyn time and time again, he offered only excuses for her and said he didn’t care about the letters.  This was hardly imbecility.  Proctor was in on the mayhem at Pitt all through the 80’s when he was saying Reagan, I know you’re too dumb to understand so I don’t mind telling you everything, tell me more, sport, tell me more.  They worked together setting up Pussyball and Mt. Desert Island as a rowdy South African Secret Service conjob with the help of Martin Sheen and John Stockwell of the CIA, both child raping Trumpytunes.  They made no secret of any of this.

           Text and culture don’t stand a chance against the switchboard of the Fox media food fight, nor the twitter domination by the Insurrection.  Sabine Hillary may be gone, and her Oh, Mr. Wayne panting to be taken in debate by the pussygrabber, but the keyword is what resonates with n’you.  Not in other words what is true but what Gabble Ratchet, a gossip society, can put up as a smokescreen between Cuomo and AOC whale they keep Pener Gabriel’s storyline rolling for I, Claudius.   
