Donald Trump has kept the script planted on me as a child an open secret while he wreaks havoc in its name and among those acts was the ripper murder of Shannon Harps (S. Harps) in Seattle to clarify the penny line in the sand of landstake claims made by the Green Party for Yoko Ono and Trump’s friend Warhol. My name was used and I have been singularly betrayed in a complex involving namesakes of Donald, Ronald Reagan and Caspar Weinberger, all of whose namesake are in the script from the 1970’s. Ronald Z-sin-ski and Kasper ‘ow” ski brutally tortured me while Donald and RonRon held me hostage as a traumatized little boy for cruel sex acts filmed by NEVA Corporation and WQED for a woman named Neva Mancine. We now know that Manson made a Snuff Film of S. Tate’s murder for Roman Polanski and was making smut for the LAPD just as the NAACP are working with Seattle Police hiding the stalking by genocide pornographers from WQED proven to have used me as a scripted scapegoat in the AIDS attack, which investigation started by me as a Medical Library Clerk in 1984 led to Mt. Desert Island where Weinberger lived. Harpers Magazine was there and denied everything.
Lapham, their ringleader, was always a study in what it means to be an apostle of New York City. After starting off in San Francisco he hitched a ride in show business by dint of his woman’s day columns. Few have such a commanding tutter in the trade. He laments the soul death of the man who falls from prominence when his phone stops ringing. I wouldn’t have taken him for someone who would castrate a poet like Ward Moore’s grandson (I attended the Governors School, my father was a war hero and human rights educator, Ward was a copy editor for the St. Louis Post Dispatch) much less set out to serial kill by abortion my offspring in a Hollywood attack prostitute campaign, but I knew him well enough to see how he would gloat at his mutual fan Fripp’s congenital study in non-attention. They ignored my battery of information that Ecology was being more than neglected. The fix is in, between me and Greta Thunberg, in a very interesting way. She has to ignore me for the betterment of her movement where I am still promoted in the role of a jinx, Pittsburgh oldest and dearest storyline. For a person on the borders of politics to get bad reviews from everyone close to me is considered final enough that even buck-the-system Greta is unlikely to look at the Ecology resume, or the deafness factor, because she is the better star of the same program. Not to rival her grudgingly. I certainly think she is the better leader of the Climate Emergency, she has my vote.
The question arises among a very few inside people that Jimmy suffered long and painfully clinging to his tune under the burden of being charged a sissy that maybe honor requires him be heard now, despite being the lesser medium. I cannot disagree that something can be gained by hearing my views. There is a long tone of concern coming from my work about biological weapons. The Green Party responsible advocated for Africa in America at the first expense of Queers and now our grannies but that burden was stabilized by Seattle rabid who recognize the truth as a negative investment and are back to their old crimes. Despite the AIDS operation on Mt. Desert Island, Penis Gabriel, a Trojan Caligula lackey of Trump who likes to be called “butch” and “batshit crazy” publicly bragging about using skin creatures, the poison in the mouth up leading to covid, and the terror strike of Marburg, Our Commonwealth are disinclined to disengage from the old machine. Surely Administration does not think these murderers are in awe of your competence?
Rather than in awe, the world should be embarrassed and concerned that Daniel Ellsberg signed Thunberg’s recent letter. The hidden script were the real Pentagon Papers and they were held over me as a ransom for Hitler’s revenge by a psychiatric inside job from Dr. Wattenmaker who was a powerful Israeli hypnotist from Attica State Prison explaining and justifying the AIDS attack in the name of Neva Mancine. Neva is a Japanese porno giant that uses the smirk of a C in a Star of David as their corporate emblem. Their ambassador followed Jack Ruby of the Carousel Club around the basement of the Dallas Police Department which can be seen in old films. His final pose is at the nuclear bunker sign as Oswald’s death van pulls out. The Beatles had landed.
The Reagan menace then constructed Lennon’s behavior as an authoritarian honor code to which end they brutally tortured and gassed me with evil ethers in a place called Kings Estate across from the script writer’s best friend’s house. Jennifer Rubin comes up again as a partner of Elizabeth Blumenfeld whose mansion in Pittsburgh is central location to the drama. Pittsburgh, bitterly battering me, you can see Reagan’s nuclear manhood in how they attacked a 98 pound child blindside on his way to school, sneering that the liberal opposition to the ecological destruction of Vietnam won’t fight for them so we don’t fight for Jimmy. They wanted Kasper, the Klansman suspected of providing drugs to Black gangsters and the licky chops genocide porno. You see then that this witty notion of Lennon’s drug honor formulated by Trump, Ono and Warhol, whose gang came from Pittsburgh, camouflages what they really did trickery wise and renders it instead in the ennui of a Trumpytune parlor game they leer was juvenile delinquency. Meanwhile Reagan, Bush, Clinton. Obama and Trump freed the Queers from recognizable honor issues entirely.
Curiously, the assassins claim this isn’t true. Licky Chops Porno arranged it so the Black confederates of the military overthrow plan could claim they were playing Eugenic Moral Ball over sexual access divies from Asia. This was called Two Virgins Pussyball by Lennon and Ono. Both Lennon and Reagan worked together to have me with Star Trek on the scene of this claims that they had been shot for promotion of the doubles used in Double Fantasy setting up the brokerage of soundtrack for the AIDS attack and making David Bowie unquestionable.
Two Virgins is based on Gweener’s idea of the 2nd cumming, again we see the pervert army that Takei and NancyReagan mission housed in Seattle. It was decidedly not just the attacker named Pitman shitting on tables who Fripp and Ringo came in to glorify in molesting me again. The idea that affirming Donald Trump’s accolades for WHAT CAN BE DONE over what is acceptable and proper the idea that such affirmation has a basis in rationality comes from Natural Law. We are seeing in other words a piracy based on Natural Law where Nature itself is finalized as null and void. If that’s not weird, try their Churchianity or summarizing consistency concerning intoxicating a deafened battered child of talented Dr. of Philosophy they murdered and THEN diagnosed as a genetic schizophrenic, you know what I mean (wink)?
Greg Karl and Fripp worked together providing the hymn of Churchianity in the partnership between Black Nazis and the Kasper Division.
In their parlor of doggerel rejection of natural law leaves only a trippytune / Karl recourse of churchianity which reads as a gurdiev Sufi or lagerkvist Barajas that flipps Patton on his ass. This time American statesmen are told to prove themselves by dying in excellence for Germany who, after all, are really our boys after all.
The idea is that c.o.status means closer to Weezum in the degree you are subject to deranged scts it announces in their view the inescapable religion of accepting humiliation but reality proves too wonderful for the planet gobbler theoremWhy does it have to be Austria for Schwarzenegger? Thunberg makes false statement for Arnold. The fact that these murderers SOUGHT heat dome genocide is in their own authorship. Todd Clark, author of Sun Lion and Flame Over Africa constantly conferred with Donald Ostro over the hostage when I was taken prisoner. Along with AIDS and Covid, the assassins have long used neurological radar, the epitome of the idea that the Beatles are brainwashers. They are toying with their witch object.
If you start again from the point of view that more respectable people than these vicious assholes are trying to universally provide global welfare while restricting destruction of the earth the mentality of destroying a person’s dignity to showcase a medieval cult of tragedy in the vernacular of rock star sainthood proves to be a felon’s cold betrayal of children and this even by their own admission! The bad taste starts to accumulate on the lips of the scornful such that a number of Trumpytune’s women have realized they are in palpable denial of their own disgrace and they don’t like me for reading the situation clearly because their enforcement of jurisdiction by bullet rather than ballot makes their claim to natural law a scheme to rob the human race of its destiny pretty campy churchianity organized in part by old admirers of japan’s Shogun apostasy practices like Penis Gabriel who punished Americans for Hiroshima with the Kennedys assassination and the pit of yammering. deliverance in other words is accepting the Axis as their new husbands which would leave even many Sabines doing their hair shorn. At best it isn’t very ladylike.
It is not my purpose to humiliate anyone over their religion. I believe that intelligent design is obvious despite the fact that many in American monetarist mobs use the idea against fair play.
I can see resistance to religion as ethical when it is being pushed on you or the sadistic idea that you aren't a good person unless you believe, especially when the religious people are insouciant about global destruction and overly controlling but I cannot deny the value of assessment and commonsense, either. I believe in Intelligent Design. I'm not barking mad about it, it just seems clear.
Which brings us to the religious aspect of the Aum Cult that Schwarzenegger and Ono are pulling. Tami Simon who appears online with the Dalai Lama came onto me after Arnold Katz’ daughter who was still virgin after breaking up from dating two years spread vicious lies about me. In pure spite and envy, Arnold S. hired Rosa ARNberg to become engaged so that AarRN Dixon and Rosa Clemente could lure me to Seattle and stage a bloodbath after castrating me in pure envy. Clearly, Greta Thunberg isn’t going to be interested in any animal magnetism I could summon. People only remember one thing about Alexander Hamilton, that he lost a duel. The writing on the garage wall outside my house when I was Suzie Creamcheesed as a sissy in 1966, “I love Sira Siran” made me the sort of poach Polansky’s adopted sacrifice was, an inspiration for tagger graffiti. Police ALLOW these vicious ghouls to murder, while taking samples of viruses from school labs.
Anger Management was summoned up by one of the Black-o-sainthood types in a film. If I remember correctly he slaps someone and then says, “It’s okay to be angry.” Mercy had a girl named Lori, to signify the Lorrie McCartney drove and so on. The name Lipscomb carried odd connotations when this Black source for Obama in eugenic dogfights would sit with Elizabeth Blumenfeld and Eddie Sauerwein would yell, “I’m Roy Rogers,” and it gives me a little pause to admit it makes me think Queen Elizabeth was sharing, if Kennedy’s Camelot.
The murderers by trickery are mongering a whole heritage repo.