Carmen and Jenny preside over twin foils. It is no idle pattern these names match the con artists at Kings Estate of East Liberty Pittsburgh by Klein’s and Karsh who Rolodex man had on his primary and last to lead with Trump index card. They closed the schools and said well, okay, let’s hear from the streets. The trail of surveillance limns a supertrail implanted as a dig. Having summoned me up from a racial stock for prime ideological convenience as a cash cow, a badly damaged and strange child from the Lennon program, on whom of course they pounced.
Even Ayn Rand knew that freedom sometimes can only be purchased with poverty. Obama was far from the only slave to make good in the White House. The namesakes of Rolodex man are matched by mesmers from the hanky pank state. King Edward’s bullies summoned up Yoko Ono to degrade our Honors Code by playing it for a Venus Fly Trap in which her collection of Nazi perfumes, worth by Elizabeth Blue and Gabriel, summoned the flock to the klondike hit on the head of a Rooseveltian named Mata Hari for showing up deaf at the wrong pawn shop.
We’ll git some dat licky chops elixir from the money mint on the way to mega-inflation, our backs to the immigration wall. Deal with America first, they figure.
The world created democracy and America gave it a go.
I donohue wud beyeev such a thing