Musicians have always known how to stir up trouble by music but traditionally were kept in line by headmasters. Stravinsky and Paganini were two mavericks who got diabolicized. Those who favored them among their contemporaries thought they heated things up nicely and had nothing to be ashamed of; others said if that is the way it will be we will push and send you to the fate yinz reap. Of course, to mock the devil, they played along all approvingly, even engaging in a touch of spiteful brotherliness, seeing it saintly to fall in the cause. I don’t know what all goes through the minds of people who dismiss the existence of such synods, public ideas, ideas of the public. Our Commonwealth settled on birth control for a while, but has been spectacularly burned. The English have made us chop suey with false assurances and it may well be time to proactively engage this mess with Italian resolve for protection of our people, before it gyrates into a broth of hostilities that promote nonsense. It’s a fallacy and tragic dogma to suggest or state that protecting one’s health is stigma. I recommend lightweight masks and blue cleaning gloves for those who touch their face as a reminder not to. With UHC Health Care I have felt that I at least have a fighting chance.
I don’t believe a man should be taught it is shameful to be as afraid as I am. Someone with significant power of words over mine has long used me as a subsidiary for their own agenda. I’m not the genius she or he is. Doing the work of early church fathers in the attack, the firestones of rock bedlam warned, anything you say turns around and goes back at you. It’s one of their more esoteric themes, or concepts, they call it, “spinning the mirror.” They find abortion simply nauseating and its contemplation so evil that they desire to map a road of lucid cruelty so derisive of sex that you back down or lose the planet. Their martyrs have given their own lives to announce an agency of redemption and hope, hell isn’t an exaggeration is their command. You need only believe says the therapist of trauma, for the flesh is not the illness of spirit. Gordon Lindsay announced their agency on the blood of Dealey Plaza.
I can explain why it has been allowed to the attackers to resolve this work of high crime. The branch of acid rock grimaces that they are swamis as deep as the killers, so their soothsay should rule. Look briefly at what we have done over Covid19. We instituted compassionate social distancing. They refused to even warn and fanned the fires demanding sacrificial tokens, even down to a daughter of the Kennedy Family. When I put in testimony from women who pose in pornography saying they consider it their calling, the assassins drolled like jackals demanding that we acknowledge their alliance with Suzy Wattenmaker as taking up the wrongs against Suzy Wong. Due to the negligence and denial of academicians no one will take on the problems they have created by a puppet show, telling women play like he hurt your feelings, hahaha, and so on.
Jesse Jackson has fed right into this mayhem with loopy and eccentric spins on the nostrum, let those who had the party pay for the party. Has he forgotten his own dalliances?
So the root issue is that those who feared Holy War from a Hitlerian headmaster not only have the truth rubbed in our faces but more to the point the assassins, in their genius, have wangled the loyalty of Seattle’s bedlam. They’re murdering and murdering it has done no good at all to warn, just as Martha Gellhorn said, it does no good to cry out. Using terror even on senior citizens, their hunting and mockery is perfectly clear, come out and fight like a man, they crow while poaching from the hedges as they spit terms loping in circles around extrusion of an ergonomic syllabary, impinging on flinches of terror they impacted by nerve trauma and calling it the bird of a lie detection in handwriting.
We know what J. Edgar Hoover did to Coretta with his Silver Shirt Audio, so I’m sure Jacqueline had her reasons with Sylvia Odio.
How can one deny the destructiveness, misread and opportunism behind the attack?