The central question of our age is whether Death Seed on a lyric by Penis Sinfield refers to a government observation alert status in a crime of mass hallucination and poison.    Since the records show that Sinfield operated from a place called Pit, indexically, against a child of a humanist scholar in the Peace Corps and CIA, using pit bull types named Pitmans indexed to Quarrymen in a stage plot authored by German pornographers mocking American morality, involving a nerve agent traced to the managers of Sira Siran, with a Poe-like script involving the name game around John Kennedy (Fitzgerald-Pendleton), making copious use of double agency in moniker signifiers from machine intelligence, the entendre of Death Seed for the AIDS attack is clear.   Penis Sinister authored the alibi for Warhol child rustling on Mt. Desert Island with a white Nazi shown to have had prior knowledge of the attack.

       How did they get police to wink?

       Involving Sanetta Katz-Trump there was licking but no in-out.  This is a very important point because their claim to have been evening the tables by the rape of a deaf girl legally a child is predicated on the voice-overs by professional pornographers, relayed by Martin Andelman, don’t stop, devil at the ear, you wann’ed some, didntya stuff that led to the sweepstakes Superfly at Ron Priest injection tower to end the movie.

       JFK’s death allowed Caesar to cross the Rubicon, seize command of our media and spending, while arguing a back-at-ya fable.  They plotted abortion tricks to stack the XXX (3 strikes) sympathy ratio while snickering about the “treason of succulent machines,” a Gurdiev-ism from Yoko Ono.   Grabbing the script they stashed on the golem, Ming Na Wen used Pentagon Disney to narrate, “I have no idea what is going on the American liberal’s head,” and about the scenario of berserk innuendo they conjured, laughing, “Maybe someone’s not speaking up!”   King Crimson made their career wowing the police state by Confederate pimps creating a Bermuda Triangle.

       Jimmy, meanwhile, detected their enemy within game and gathered up all of his energy to do battle in homelessness with an impacted neuroplasm that left him screaming in convulsions defending people from his so-called pushiness.  Their trickery is now visible in my facial nerve.

       The people who weirdly pulled of a shadow heist of my name without my doing anything wrong, by claiming I cudda understood something that didn't even happen, the Hollywood hollow holocaust crown gesture, created the mystery game about JFK to keep Americans searching for a "final solution".   It's a metaphor from the autocrats. Nicholas the name of the lead perpetrator in the strange case of Wecht's friend Gail Burstyn and her evil letters. Given how complex the intellectual fabric is, I suspect that Martin Heidegger was one of the minds that Pitt had to support them in the Crary Affair.  It's very shocking, disheartening and disturbing that the rock industry were in on the attack, Gail Zappa and Yoko Ono both, obviously, were primed and ready to invent the Lennon story in grapevines, always on behalf of the killers, which means the final solution was a double fantasy.

        Reagan plotted the high court with a pun, Rehnquist, on ventriloquist.  They were playing the odds of reason, attack prostitution leaving a battered young man angry at women.   It didn’t really happen, but they’ve never given up. Invisible people making libelous claims doesn’t prove guilt, but it can leave a shattered hombre very frightened.
