With the help of the silence of Gallaudet, UW Dialectical is pushing for hand-to-hand violence between a brutally molested deaf man who the assassins tortured and whose loved ones they murdered, raped and threatened, while stalking and staking out my family and prospects. Central to this fight club is the fact that in Seattle nobody who has AIDS gives a flying fuck about anyone who doesn’t. Their tutor is Trump who breathed on everybody deliberately when he had covid to prove they loved him, but before covid the psycho motto was if you wash we will be offended.

Seattle women are to blame. It was against the law of equity and taboo to protect anyone here but still you can read their lips ~ serves you right.

AIDS spread far and wide so that the rabid Fripp and Trump could bray that there was no attempt to help anyone and that warning wouldn’t matter, instead they summoned a ghoulish team of sado-masochists from Warhol to confiscate the evidence and murder bystanders. This was the good kind in action.

Sean Strub and Michel Foucault were both kamekazi muslims in the double suicide bombing of the feel good buddy love extermination. Forbidding protection, experimenting with Ultrahigh, and hiding the clear case that Lennon and Reagan knew and that neither were really shot, the rabid evoked their names to deter Legal action. As John Stockwell, who followed me to Allentown in 1987 said, all the Police had to do on this one was stand aside.

Chief Longlist Cudda, Paul McCartney, is just like Hitler, he hides his plans in the study of little girls and won’t eat meat.