The parochial savage knew what they wanted to do when they murdered our grannies.  Dialectical UWists authored a Trumpytune scam and announced its agency as a tug of war.  Now they lap mangy and peaceful-like at the dog-eared carpet they’ve chewn raw with lust for backbite.  A Christless pissant like McCartney doesn’t necessarily take a little girl for his shield to protect her, but for the sake of argument let’s suppose Attenborough’s faith would not allow him to use Greta as his gang used Donnie Chin, to summon an insignificant death in the family advancing their holy row.   Obviously, I live in shock and awe from their merciless sneak attack on Saoirse, but aside from the goal, to advance the false model of a Feud, the Green Party doesn’t have much to gain by crowing that Louis just bout hadda twist his ankle some more.  A certain amount of ordinary pedestrians and consumers, enjoying their new home on Covid Death Row, don’t really see it, they don’t see all and everything as just like Dylan and Eric of Columbine, all edgy to get it outta them like Penis Gabriel’s Rael personality.  

      Stew on that awhile while Ivan gits you some cheese, Cho.

       My goal in this is to be incipient to taking back jurisdiction, American authority, from the German Green Party and to show how this can be done and how they have operated.   The goal of the Kroke Hag Reguster Kerona is to make me superstitious about my speech, so, for example, the squad had someone announce their agency and shoot up Vegas after I spoke in online chat about shooting (insulin).  So, we get what they mean when they say it’s just beginning.  Trump calling dibs on Mx. Goto blew up the whole Middle East, lawd today what pussyball over Greta gonna bring.

        Saving the Earth is an afterthought they put off to underwrite their big house cleaning event.   They wrote a scam that Reagan didn’t know and Lennon really died and gave big at the office to advocate for their own script in which they sold this claim against the truth about the AIDS attack and now they want to do it some more after the Covid bonus gig.  Clearly, getting away with Hitler’s revenge is too much fun to make the news.  It should of course be noted that Greta is not the first little girl they’ve threatened nor was Saoirse the only little girl they killed, but for all that, in Seattle, it’s still considered the team of choice.

          As a mogul of reality programming, McCartney leaves something to be desired.  He planned BIG yeah but he failed to effectively cover up all those clues he sprinkled into wonderland semiotics about what was really up.  Having Penis Gabriel threaten us in the name of an Ayn Rand queer with AIDS to blow up Mt. Rainier with a nuke isn’t going to make all of his groupies proud fans.  It is legendary to behold, I’m sure, as is the evidence that Dia Galas, claiming to represent the Queers, is actually part of the team behind the virological attack.  Okay, Okay, Mr. McCartney.

        Before I go on notice the Exhibit from Massachusetts below Nov. 22, loudly reddened, and Tee-han, recall the tea club where I met the Wuhan team from Code Red College.   Trumpytune was on the Golf Course, but not Kerry, only Andrew C.  From JFK on this has been a case of Kennedy vs. Kennedy.     The Jill I know, by the way, goes by Jill B.-Cain, interesting double moniker from death in the family Joe productions.  The heist operators in Seattle were virulently evaluating hair splitting intimacies for signs of equity in defense of billionaires full knowing they are protecting the assassins.  The Green Party announced McCartney control tower by the murder of JFK and did it again when they released covid  by murdering Saoirse.  Even my siri says back to me, “I figured as much.”

         So those are our friends.  We need to build a wall against European billionaires and lose the dream team view of St. Eastwood.

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