Black people in positions of leadership crow that whites are special pleading even to request that white people killed protecting the rights of Black people be recognized, such as Elijah Lovejoy, James Garfield and Liuzzo Viola. All sorts of conspiracy tales come up surrounding Black martyrs, but Black historians have studied only neglect in the case of Garfield largely because in American affairs it is the most important of all. Had he not been murdered by an opponent of the 14th Amendment, the Civil Rights Movement would not have even ever been necessary. They blacklist white people who try to help them at the risk of their lives. When I was in horrible fear of backlash from the Lawrenceville Ku Klux Klan, being targeted by powerful, powerful Hollywood agents who molested me in childhood, the NAACP hopped to their feet in holy monger targeting me in horrid, pimping, vile, sacrilegious, invasive pornographic exploitation and this to the KKK and NAACP seemed like brotherly conscription into maniacal common cause between themselves, raping deaf Jeannie, killing the Kennedys some more, lie ater cowardly foreign English rock star lie. So what? They spat, you’re not special, using a nerve agent to drive their golem into screaming seizures of homelessness for the Japanese no less.