The sheep were upset, sharp with the minds of wolves, and didn’t know if it would be cool, despite how obvious Covid was a bomb, to take to the streets about it, tattles would lambast them as noidals, so the fossil fuel magnates laughed, using Greta Thunberg as a puppet for this genocide, get them into the streets anyhow, it will make them feel better and more will get sick. But the ideas are clear enough, America left it to others, Europeans and Israel, to do the drudge work of understanding how to pull this off. After I proved Carnegie Mellon’s hand in the AIDS attack, David McWade countered that I could have saved John Lennon but was hunting a virgin and that it was all over but the shouting. The bonus attack is basically the shouting he had in mind.
During the initial stage attack back in the 80’s Tim Kaine’s Reagan Union at Pitt mastered the chicanery to announce that anyone questioning the AIDS attack was a racist and got Seattle to applaud those who generated the atrocity. Since this was already clear, the incendiary murder that whooped up the riots was just rehash of an old theme. Do anything you want to the public trust but tell them to protest racism. Rodd, the climate change dude who watched me attacked by a klansman working for the Japanese and Warhol named Kasper as a child, and Rodd is also the namesake of America’s expert on atmospheric trash, liked to show how spotlighting works, freezing up deer with a light. The NAACP are semi-consciously spotlighted by the fact that they are accomplices in lying horribly for the attack while they gave cover to set up for the bonus attack, so, what do we do now? Deny it, back into the streets in the name of racism. Trump personally promised to hang anyone in Times Square who snitched. Now they can really spit hate on the disparity Trump media announces between victim numbers. As usual white liberal attempts to get help and move them to compassionate social distancing are considered wide of the mark. You can’t argue with race brainwashing, not even to save their lives. Motivated more by confiscation of art and poetry theft than the rational sociology they claim, Seattle marauders, under the Tang Council of Green Party Reds poisoned me in the mouth as a symbol of what was coming.
The key concept here is that the attacks are as much black on black crime as they are white on white crime and the attacks are not, contrary to the lackluster braying of Lennon’s cohorts, white liberal on black power antagonism. Temple Unveristy won’t change, they have Reagan and Tim Kaine, who cut a deal with the henchmen of South African Secret Service to drown out the royal fuckiing Seattle administered to our senior citizens in yammers from Senegal and the gold rush of Klondike horse racing.
One thing you have to keep in mind is the headmaster humor Woody Allen and Midori Goto. Playing on the feminist theme of: If you can do it I can do it, the Jews of Hollywood decided to safeguard the reasons and persons of Adolf HItler. The gist of Holocaust survivors working with George Romero was always truly horrible, but the usual insouciance of Seattle found beat poets calling the Covid bomb a zombie apocalypse as though we should be cheering, just as they cheered how I was tortured. You will not see them protesting my mutilation. In fact, the rape of the American mind so gloated upon by Seattle came equipped a Sicilian violinist who was poignantly building me for the purpose of tearing me down, much like 116 games won were a set up for 911 and the laughs of 119.
The idea was to pounce on queerbait from every loathsome loft of celebrity slovens the world over, one syphilitic after another jumped down hold pee pee to pronounce themselves King. It was the worst fight over fifteen minutes of super-fame you could ever dare in a dream of vomit. Creary was the 11th Earl of Mar, he wasn’t going very far, just ask Jack Hanley for the real truth on the sissy.. Into the family came the foxes. All in a Mitsui night.
Like the baseball field in the original Day the Earth Stood Still, it was art man that my father saw the left field wall ball fly out from his window at the Cathedral of Learning a week before I was born, for on Bush’s ship with my father at sea they liked to dress up like Ringo. Pirates were a team. This is one reason Penis Gabriel is so chirpy with Klondike hymns about digging in dirt. It’s easier for the people of Iowa to catch the meaning, in terms of linguistic anthropology, when Amy Globalczar says, “I know you,” about me, but even directed at them, it’s sly innuendo.
I’ve been attacked for fact checking that I can remember twice: Once was when a Jewish liar crowed that he saw King Crimson play Moonchild on their Discipline Tour and his bodyguard David Lucarelli grabbed me by the jugular vein, another was when Michael Tive subjected me to slaughtering blows over he claim to a twenty pound gold coin. But Gabriel set the battle of Epstein forest with tawdry child sex tales about the queerbait and froze up the mind of the defense like a neuroplastic tin drum, while prancing in tights from London R18. While Lapham was pulling prove you love me contagion games with Cornell West, Cineaste put a spitting image of the usher who accosted me with Wattenmaker at Incredible two headed transplant, but just as we laugh back at the Great Dictator, so do we lie-back,and what is the magical mystery lie that the Gurdiev Tang Kaine are spelling?
The road to castration by Seattle’s pervert wife theft fight ring was Len Young inducing neuro-hypnosis with the words, “stop getting the mail.” After all, not even RFK was Mick Jagger.
Everything you wanna tid know bout De De Allen was ha’scairt to tattle.