The legacy of Haiti is largely on hold Firmin and Toussiant in the age of Jimmy Barbecue probably still have their place.
I’m not going to demonize the ex-cop with a tarnished reputation calling for the truth about Moise, I agree on that point. I can only speculate on what might help Haiti.
Murder has no poetry for me. My revulsion and indignation about the murder of that woman shot at the Trumpytune uprising was just as genuine as when I was flattened violently myself. I do however realize what the fence around The White House is for and act accordingly. America preaches legitimate violence all the time and many people use that to legitimize excessive fear, cruelty, weaponry, war on innocent people. As the borders of our world contract under the climate change forcing house being poachered by the deaf at heart in fossil fuels, leading to catastrophe for everybody, I am supposed to automatically be enlisted in the planet of military sociology since it will allow me to puff my white liberalism on the aw, poors of Haiti.
They wouldn’t likely enjoy the sight of me being around. My views have long been vanquished by both sides. Despite that I have marvelled at L’Overture Toussiant and realize what he did is exemplary in character, that his gift was magnanimity, making the loss hurt all the more. When one reads the curses on the lips of Native Americans betrayed by the white man after many attempts to have hope, the tone of Toussiant is like black and white, even though both men were victims, so the killers have their play on hearts and minds all pre-scripted, do you die in forgiveness or with curses? And so on.
It’s very draining.
My belief is that supply is demand in a culture as manipulative as this one. Therefore, in order to help Haiti, the idea is to amass tampons, aspirin, books, clean water, clean energy, jobs, dignified readings of their long troubled history stopping short of catering to people who may be criminal, while aware that some conditions create crime.
My contribution however has been very restricted by the prior lobby of the BBQ crowd for which Jimmy BBQ seems to be raring for notice. The root issue is that I felt timely warning about AIDS could stop its spread and was over-ruled by a Whole Is Greater Than the Sum of Its Parts crowd who said CRT mandates me being poached. They write nervily in published essays on Indigenous approach to holistic clubhouse meaning and member contribution to ideas about resolving health disparity. At their zoom meets the apparition of a Japanese woman dances in the background, the very essence of Pan-Africanism, yes? One sees the Three Stooge ventriloquist, hands painted with all-seeing eyes, so, you thought of this, yes? Tell me, how does it play out for you, yes?
Moise was killed, I suspect, by Trumpytune to call dibs on Greta just as his maniacs worked with Midori Goto. It isn’t clear that Greta was as complicit as Goto. It is clear that the Shamans are loping for licky chops on their Venus Fly genocide porno SNUFF FILM Seattle Syndicate. WHITE ROSE WHITE BITCH MYUH MYUUUH MYAWK