The dwindling interest in liberalism, beyond yielding to the status quo they preserve, is due to the pathetic service militants delivered to the invisible (yawn) fascism that cornered the market by a franchise of hustling past the news, their revolution was never televised.  Seattle compartmentalized their issue to service Hitler’s revenge by howling that there was no Hitler revenge and then siding with the call girls who formed a squad whereby the Seattle baloney ran decoy to ram it through.  In old haunts from Warhol, they violently used contagion, The Stranger Newspaper for good example, and poison, saying it was equity for the AIDS victims, as usual running the miscarriage in all innocence, they exclaim, setting up Covid-19.  Well, history will get around to it, I guess.

        My goal in these minutes is to continue to keep people impressed with my work who are and should be, while arguing that because the Federal Communication Commission are responsible for death threats against copyright they owe it to me to secure copyright and allow responsible alliances.  Failing this, as usual, comes with the terrain.   John Stockwell’s stalking and poaching relegates the storytelling to a special services division and I am assigned slave labors to keep up.  Maybe I’ll get around to protesting.  For now, however, I propose to help make a sort of Lewis and Clark out of what Greta has had happen to her name upon whom the Ono fix is in.

       Celebrity, we now know from observing Warhol attorneys who worked with the Manson Family and HAIR, is a function provided by extermination and confiscation specialists working for the Agatha State of The Royalists.  Possibly you think celebrity is luck and talent, not entirely.  Two budgets have co-existed in Hollywood: Studios and Intelligence Services.  Casting, building Casts of Characters, involved scrupulous attention to details.  Much as the fragmented images that emerge from such sources as the Bronson and Zapruder films, it takes clarity to work this out, meanwhile, about those they have lied to, no end of lies apply.  Casting by the intelligence services is for acting parts in the real world.  That also has a moniker junta.

        So and so looked like so and so and this left him haunted and so on guide the hidden transcripts of the Hollywood menace that worked Boris Karloff, Borisoff, in a film here examined, Stop Train 349 (1963), Roger Corman, Trumpytune’s bunkmate Coppola and the important Ronald Sinclair.  You will notice if you observe in 349 Adolf Charlet, implying web, it’s there (see below).  The scene opens with a homily about returning because he loves you cast over a beetle in Berlin, which is indexed in other incidents to Merlin by I donohue and associates of Wade Beebe, noticing Story of the Bird and that Attenmaker got me to shoot one with a BB gun, which mortifies me to this day.   Mer and Ehrlen were at the Falk Medical Library, such disgressions show you that there is a Euclidean model that can be referenced over multiple praxis where the studio budget and intelligence service budget create a diglossia.

       As my readers know, and can see again from the French ingenuity here, the Vichy Hollywood backstab has been long known to me.  Real Japs in the Wayne shoot.   The Mechanic Prebanic has long worked this web for snuff films in the deranged poaching by claimant burgh city of Pittsburgh, legendary for its promotion of snuff film gurglers.  The aspect of a monk of war that led to the now you see it sermon on the magic mountain in Tacoma, from the Mechanic, another Bronson film, ends of game friend, bang  you’re dead, DeNiro’s just one.

        349 has early warnings, are you telling me my life is in  your hands, it is, empty suite sir, light emanating.   The hand is hiding a finger in the former frame.  A day’s work on green slime.

I could go on about the barbarians of the post-war situation supposedly tempered by a Vegas Honor Code but much of the Cold War was America’s fault and the switcheroo pulled on JFK by the friendly ghost is a good taste of how tasteless this little nightmare from Hollywood is.

       Nyuck by eunuch nyuck it yields to the Seattle sensibility well because they made claim for the call girls reeling by in Jack Ruby’s joint with Gail Raven in Merlin, Germany, 349, putting semen in your cup at Red Elm in Tacoma for the Rouge-O Hammer Film conspiracy and so on.  Christian copyrighters, the brethren of volunteer intelligence services coping with the assignment to the Mockingbird of the Agatha State.

           Notice in the trailer of Some Like it Hot, the Police Gazette.  Why?  Why not?

The Rolling Stone By Mac Crary 2021

In Disney after the idea has struck Attenmaker’s mind

I agree, I agree, nothing suspicious about it to me.

Acknowledgement to D.T.

This music could lead to peace

Jump and holler and show your restraint

Effervescent accent twang

And nothing soapy and dumb

In Mister Rogers’ gangrenous girls burned arms hood

Bringing them back to reality

For the Mechanic Prebanic.

All a fake and Trumpytune

Hoodwinkers from Axis Eugenic Union

Blackonomics riding high with Ononomics 

On the climate change expanding pie.

Hey Hey League of Crafty Guitarists

How many grannies did you kill today?

Bubbles in the NASA water

Watch the hatter sell your daughter

All a fake and Trumpytune.

Queen Agatha

May I adopt America?

Go forth, Adolf, my son.

We have the same carbon footprint

Though she’s only a third my age

She gave my lunch money to Yemen

She can be such a scold

My Lord but I am in love.

You promises

But it’s just me

I would perish at sea.

You may kiss my feet as I rest

But don’t you dare try to make love to me

You promises.

I’ve met the Pope, the first of France,

I’ve scolded the whole U.N.

And laughed at the overgrown children in power

Old guys rotten with their hands in the cookie jar

Of elephant ivory corporations

What about you?

I’d rather listen to me

Lights splits reflecting green

Exciting electrons.          

bright flash.PNG
Somebody who really loves you, Greta, is terrified of what this asshole is up to.

Somebody who really loves you, Greta, is terrified of what this asshole is up to.
