Since I was born in the last months of Dwight Eisenhower's Presidency to a father who knew him at Columbia Teacher's College where they were together during the post-war years (Ryland Crary, author of Humanizing the School) I saw the 60's as a thoughtful child, coming of age in the 1980's, an important field of vision not everyone recalls, although some living memories are longer. So I am able to comment perceptively on the era of digital disconnect that we came through and about the years of Dubya and Obama, millennial births of which are only very precariously snapping out of it. Those terms of my youngers came after the military term of Reagan during which time the AIDS tragedy took place, a dreadful occurrence the Clinton's navigated us through with the help of Christian safeguards, doctors of medicine and cyberpunk steerage in the arts. For un-American reasons we don't ever discuss the scroll, thinking of it instead as some sort of secret tool.
The revolution was not televised. The prison authorities behind aggression in popular culture managed to sequence the unfolding of events as a tabloid mission house. A few people didn't like it. Working in a Medical Library in 1985, braving the death of my father those years, I was mortified by the atlas of lesions and the attitude in D.C. It made me rebellious and I made the mistake of thinking the 60's legends might help. It led to an unexpectedly cruel response from Warhol Foundation and King Crimson.
King Crimson's music is nice, but their slave-like and immoral imaginations proved to be the Coca-Cola of parochial sniveling, a practice of art with various poachings from English thieve museums plying their nasty incest with Gail Burstyn, whose name is on their scroll. Together with Franklin Graham and the Gurdiev kluk (known to be admired by Aum Shinrikyo) they found the papers, they say, on the human voodoo doll who just happened to be deaf from a nerve agent, the son of a humanist, which they categorically regard in their writings for an anti-Christ, enjoying the least favored ethnic status in university Minority cliques, (police guffaw) a little boy story that just happened to be worth money at Lucas Studios as a bounty on an anti-Bush traitor from Iowa (my father was on his ship in WW2) whose niece's namesake just happened to be murdered there as a pre-production of Saoirse Kennedy's untimely demise, which just happened to make front pages in UW-related newspapers here before it took place, after "it" had been poisoned under convinced-but-false pretexts by Seattle Administration and threatened with a one-penny signifier of Death Row consequence by a multi-racial gang popular in Seattle who just happened to call "it" on Dec. 8, 1980 after just happening to use a nerve agent on "it" leading to where they just happened to find their own letters during an involuntary race pornography happening (HARE) created as an in-camera therapy by murdering pimps who just happen to be Police force godfathers from Britain who just happened to be ready to use the letters for Zappa's anti-Christ love put-on deeming their victim a non-victim and unfit.
Oh, so that's how it works! An anti-Reagan liberal who cudda saved John Lennon was a virgin-hunting white vampire, subconscious Manchurian programmed to frame Holy Reagan, ace best friend of Lennon. So, they effectuated the story using an injury they inflicted on a child to sell a larger mass injury without challenge, even though they conspicuously planned it calling their scroll about the murder of Kennedy and King too beautiful to throw away.