Long after Pittsburgh’s lies have been exhausted they still will have their escape clause.  Trump and Seattle Left authored a squeeze play where even if I were to win I would lose.  The crime involved mutilation of a child in a snuff film for charity.  Although the niceties of the Union in the matter claim to be nursing a grievance, restrictive access-wise, the language of the book I received off the presses today testifies to the dismal braggarts behind the crimes and slanders, Larry Crist’s Alibi for the Scapegoat.  

       The celebrity superstate and Green Party authored a foreign hatched genocide that murdered our grannies in a long plotted revenge attack from their generation’s war, WW2 and demanded their sacrifice in the name of racial equity, climate change and patriotism.  I have been following this and was advised many ways up front in advance.  My attempts to seek assistance were poisoned in the mouth.   

         The Administration of Government and Communications Control has let on that they too are suspicious, myuh, and want a Warren Commission to beat the Right Wing to the Oswaldizaton of China.   Instead, they should be investigating the rabid from Warhol who tapped into the switchboards with the epithet “tosser.”  It was from vile innuendo mongered by Martin Sheen about my days on Mt. Desert Island that contamination of the mouth was promoted as a settlement on behalf of those who have now also released Covid.

         By spreading the dialogue machine between a host of celebrities who intone professional fight club support for genocide the assassins created a perplex and riddle concerning their actual mentality, which comes packaged as their agenda.  

         Take for example Oliver Stone.  Clay Shaw has long been defended for rights violations in the actions by Jim Garrison lionized largely factually to history in the film but Stone posed a different defense, the right of Hollywood to slander.  In other words, he was doubling as a public defender of Clay Shaw so he could fulfill the genocidal war crime.  His chorus girl was Tracy Chapman.  She whinged all soothsay about revolution and the hopelessness of police while inventing the fairy tale of dishonest, clingy Jimmy Creary.  Loud they did straightforth to strut.

           Anybody familiar with my detective work can see in a glance that Greta Thunberg’s full name was a marquis of cast assignation.  The loudspeaker team conveyance she loves you while she manuvers into position to laugh, not quite.

        Police have said over and over that poison isn’t proof of poison, so there and that virginity proves rape if they want it to, so hehn.   The answer to why in this Bizarro Complex the police are idiotic comes trom those, Pink Floyd, who know the whole world would say, oh iit’s you, if they admitted the crimes of Covid, before and likely beyond.  Gail Burstyn’s reasoning came frm the Jews who saw other Jews gassed, they were weak.  Police cannot and will not do their job, not by investigating  hard evidence of an Israeli alliance with Germany tracing to the 50’s, not the conductor’s baton who so openly orchestrated both AIDS and covid, not the South African Secret Service role in Pittsburgh, and certainly not the death of Saoirse.  Why?  Because lawyers are as shifty as Shifty is, as shifty as they always to  being.  The police sell negligence as deference to moral obligation.  People they hum don’t like being challenged by moral obligation because having established a nation that professes recognition of rights and due process to wash our hands of the very same, moral obligation must be the explanation.  Meanwhile in the words of Pittsburgh’s AIDS Combine, “The Corvid Flies.”

         Just as they used me they will use the children for clean up time.