After Martha Gellhorn confessed her dismay, “I understand from your letter a great sense of urgency,” the rabid from Warhol and Britain mocked her by uploading Trump dacoits at CMU to announce with panting breathing, “Urgent! Urgent.”   The murderers have since executed a war game to pretend that Mt. Desert Island was rape cauterization and that the shamans of Bob Dylan were working off their Lennon grudge while putting AIDS victims over the hurdle by satiric and tragic terrorism like 911, nevermind that Dia’s namesake called me for Warhol on Houdini Day (12-8-80).

       A mentor of mine at school and police sergeant told me she understood completely when I said that going deep undercover I actually got to the root of the problem because I kept telling myself this can’t be real.  The murderers gloat because no one else understands that at all.  It’s hard to see how they wriggle out.  Dune was a big development for me at age 15.  In it right at the beginning, in a gesture that the psychos themselves exploit by gom jabbar, the plotters of eugenic lines cruelly bang, “animals chew off a leg to escape a trap, but a human would endure one hoping to remove a threat to their kind.”   The rabid profess that only they could see what they were doing by putting out sex bait. a proven pre-planned AIDS testing war game endorsed by South African Secret Service profiting from ANC investments in Neva Pornographic.

        The rabid lisp that any attempt to warn proves rape.  How did they construct this?  By voice overs.  Martin Andelman, representing Leslie Katz, while his partner commissioned a rape storyline at Harvard for Miles Kirshner’s Penis Anderson tape machine company, presenting what he claimed was a Palestinian finding a tape machine and going, “there’s something going on here,” before turning it off, would crow, “Don’t stop ohhhh don’t stop Don’t Stop ohhh don’t stop,” as he mocked women on his drives.  Thos. then lisped of vacillation and ambivalence as their warlord spammed, “that is except for Mary,” as Pitt advertised openly that they were using neurohypnosis on a Wattenmaker implant for Gabriel to hoot about blinks.