THE CIA is misunderstood even by those who know they were giving LSD to Manson in Haight Asbury Clinic during the Summer of Love and killed JFK.  They are also about nuclear weapons management.  When the attackers capable of building atom smashers went after a child’s mind, Pittsburgh Police guffawed that it should have been easy for Jimmy Creary to understand.  So first we demonstrate that it was the CIA, then we show how their back up units operated, to reveal some of the dark reality concerning the covid molecule and what their idea has been.

      It is like seeing a crowd watch some terrible crime and not even calling police.  The Victim’s Crime (TVC) was surviving.

      The key phrase in the letters of Zappa/Burstyn was “thank you for opening my mind (not enough).”

      After the letters came we moved.  It was a terrible flight from a Manson ordeal.  The neurological injury fused portions of the brain itself into traumatic coma.  I had no access to the memory cells.  The script prescribed the idea of superimposing the supposition of a dark secret, code named RAPE, and that any attempt to unearth information would be met with violent accusation.  The rabid animal Penis Gabriel announced that I was the perfect sucker and an object of total disgrace.  His partner, Oliver Stone, said I was exactly as profiled, lending a powerful, cosmic Jewish slur to Israeli mayhem.

     The climate of answering is hostile.  The history locked up in a time before we moved from that district, and the truth not all that impenetrable.   All of the details corroborate that I was tortured by an agency who knew I am innocent of wrongdoing.  This note is to address these facts in the context of proof concerning their agency.  I will also explain what their idea is and where they got their idea by showing how we know from who they were.

       So briefly attend to a cast of characters consulted by Obama living in that district who I knew before I was attacked and had to move.   This will allow us to see the theory of justice that prevails leading to SCOTUS as a figurehead authorizing CIA disturbances.  Ralph Tive was an advisor to Gov. Milton Shapp.  His neighbor Jeff Kennedy came to their porch to sing to me oh I went to St. James Place and saw her lying there, so strip so bare.  Robin Lipscomb, Obama’s friend, would sit with Elizabeth Blumenfeld, who wore the same sort of perfume I have only smelled on the rock star who married the daughter of Queen Elizabeth’s Lord Secretary.  Blumenfeld had a large safe in her house.  Tive and another boy living nearby Gellomini attacked me with great brutality directing their fists to my ten year old head, felling me, at least Ian wore gloves.  Blumen-and-Mini are an interesting combination of names.  Blue Meanies was a Lennon snipe.  Blue Men Felled suggests police deaths. John Stockwell of the CIA spoke of CIA safehouses. The CIA safe house hired by Shiono and Hammer, run by someone Donald, behind where Beth was Bas Mitvahed was run by a partner of the man who did stained glass at the cop martyr’s church in Bloomfield.  Sinfield, who worked this nest and plot from afar, favored an artist who did a picture called Blumen and Blauter, like the police blotter that Wecht created (objection) at Spectro Chemical Labs while QED monitored the accommodationism and survival attempts of the quah thing.

          Having used a personality change chemical, the rabid demanded the right to show it had changed his target’s personality into an enemy from within.

          Having murdered and raped my friends, daring me to go to court, and not even being able to find a reader who admits having read this, the assassins belligerently continue to criminalize victimization based on their primary idea that sex is wrong.  So wrong it deserves the death penalty.

        The arbitrary combination, meaning not overly implied by the fact that this took place at Fulton School, involved organized pedophile slavery and Pittsburgh XXX theater was the Fulton Mini, the Blue-Mini safe of the Safe House almost surely has child hostage films of the manson cinema ordeal called Mancine, like vaccine.

        While it is something they mean by the KLUE Klux Klan, Lipscomb, suggestive of a toothbrush mustache, is a Black woman, and Obama’s friend.  So as Matthew Thornton said at Pitt News, they are trying something new, a multicultural fascism elite.  I am a symbol to them of pale, white, sickly America.  They hotwired into my brain and gaslit seeking to make that play.

        Two sinister and drum rolled power blocs cemented the experiment.  First, the Jewish Community, backed by Penis Gabriel, making Real World tapes without end for Safe-Mini complained I was acting out rejection rage; second, hustlers in the Act Up lobby announced that I had committed their crime of forni-making so I should receive the same penalty. In this ways they held out to the mouth poison as mercy as they steamrolled to the covid attack.  What crime did the covidians commit?   Allowing this, Major League Baseball, as a community, embracing plastic reality, life is a dream, had all of their gang presumptions blow up in their faces and they are now looking at historic allegation of knowingly sending our grannies to their death, but the Axis of Hitler’s escape not only compensated them handsomely, and promised them a glorious Trumpytune future, but railroaded us by fossil fuel burning parties into climate change giving them the last laugh on the pathetic wee wees of Greenpeace.

         The laugh of the killers doesn’t stop there.    Despite their own language of voice overs, cut and paste, whitewashing their crimes, impingements, subjecting the persona to successive degradations and so on, they sold loudly we GIT to do this, we GIT to do this, and no one interfered.  Interestingly some of this was done in Chinatown where Mrs. Murakami had her store returned to her after internment as a Japanese woman by a Jewish man.  Obama wouldn’t dream of returning stolen property to the Kennedys.  He’s a hustler with Trump promise as the Black man of choice.  Obama led a stampede to do as many biased acts of evil for profit masquerading as a claims fight for spoils and racially legitimate as media could summon with a Beatles’ dog whistle.   It was a no holds barred criminalization of American culture where the only possible interpretation was my disgrace.

         They had listened to Hitler from the radio and decided that television contained the spirit of the devil, so they workshopped an arrangement where lusty dreams entitled assassins to their victim’s brainwaves.  This could only happen in a society where the theory of justice embraced by SCOTUS is that there is no such thing.

         Deranged with ravenous carpet chewing by the screen implications of Kimba the White Lion Safe-Mini declared me selfish because slavishly obedient to fear and in the masks of both races rioted their laugh:  GIT OUT THERE AND TELL THEM WHY WHHHY WE KILLED YOU QUEERBALL!