In exploring the assassination by slow torture of James MacRyland Crary the truth about The Dark Shadows of the dreadful Kennedy Family, for all their Palestinian misery, comes to fierce light without themselves shining. Guided by an evil secret treaty between Britain and Russia about AIDS they had me poisoned after ruinous brutality disabled but failed to silence me, dooming their own bedrock like Greek poseurs. Two Nazi holocaust simulation experiments replaced public schools and a clarion call at Covid came by poison in the mouth. Sharing secrets, do tell, with a Naval veteran’s son. First, as a battered and deafened child in East Liberty District of the City of Pittsburgh, the Pitmans kidnapped and gassed me, then I suffered seizures from a Wattenmaker neurochemical, then they used me for an AIDS demonstration on Mt. Desert Island which the attackers put on in the name of RFK, Jr.’s syphilitic tribal shamanism of death. Wholesale slaughter is nothing new for these torrid cronies of Netanyahu, lickychops over the script Yoko Ono deigned to publish, supplying occult cunning to his own father’s killer. Gurgling winsome and pleased with himself as he assassinated Gaza with a cartoon Family Law parable, no entity in politics is more depressing than RFK, Jr..
The 80’s saw HitlerReagan for whom no epithet is too low. Glorifying the same totalitarian pigsty as Joe Biden, he wasted the human future on an evil multipolar war machine, for who doubts that America’s mindset drove the Cold War and befuddled old Biden made up lies about toddlers in Palestine to fill in for the good days? HitlerReagan by no means stood alone. WIth the help of ferocious Czech backstabber Vaclav Havel he brokered and procured gloating agreement from the Soviets to put down review of Frank Zappa. The demons struggled how best to bless the consenting Pope as they pasted parochial pictures of Jimmy Crary’s aborted son on Santorum toilet walls at Rosa hottie Carnegie Mellon during their Trumpytoon riot.. Pittsburgh did this to a deaf man in neurotrauma and Clint Eastwood sent his fascist war bloody autograph for Putin. What did I do about it? When in doubt, I clean my apartment. I told police. Isn’t that what you’re supposed to do? They locked me up and barred me from school; when I escaped I became a Phi Theta Kappa scholar. It was too late, they’d’ given me Parkinson’s while Mel Gibson leered, praising the story.
Cut to the chase. In Biden’s America, genocide is just another crime. Nobody cares who did it and they aren’t going to tolerate a call for research since the NAACP stood guard. What began with Michel Foucault’s meeting with Ayatollah Khomeini and evolved through the fundamentalist tripartite of the Iran Contra triangle to David Bowie’s Ouspensky-driven spin control by his swivel hip gyrationist Fripp toadying to Colin Powell on 60 Minutes, whileJohn Shulman Celeron Gang’s pilfer of the carrot tape script for Oswald the Lucky Rabbit while lisping Who Framed Roger Rabbit? Clarifying the drooling wedge of the adjuvant McCartney: for here was the door of deeds from Pentagon-Disney in Lennon’s Houdini fulfilled for Queen Elizabeth of Wonderland with help of sadists at WQED in Pittsburgh caking the tales of infamy with Dracula detail The evidence leads to D’annunzio in Fiume, Mussolini and D.W.Griffith. It just takes a scholar with permission to look.
The bloodcurdling idea of an Ark came down from Tammo deJongh and plays out in the media catering services to cosmopolitan identity politics that universities inculcated in return for rookie year advancement. The used mutilation encryption to consecrate Seattle wisebeards in blood, earmarking me for extermination, ripper killing Shannon Harps over a penny and anointing RFK, Jr. that voice again for Zionist Geffen whose toady Fripp plied Cyril Wecht’s death obsesse tall tales of the virgin Leslie Katz to torment the boil. Leading to discovery of Two Virgins Pussyball clocked to the AIDS by Netanyahu’s script The Texas Schoolbook, signed Gail Carolyn Burstyn a homophone nom de guerre for Hitler’s faithful were standing still in revolution number nine, laced in the background of international cinema as a semiotic superstory now thoroughly documented, containing four elements: Hitler’s escape and revenge; Two Virgins Pussyball clocked to the AIDS attack as a medium to warn by ecocide in a last judgment by sex list; the murder of JFK in revenge for Hiroshima and targeting of the sacred mountain at Tacoma Dome a prop of revenge for Hiroshima Dome and the legend of Truman considering a demonstration of the Little Boy Bomb at Mt. Fuji the sacred; last but not least Lennon’s Houdini ~ it’s all there, crystal clear and perfectly true.
You rabid animals.
The adjuvants McCartney and Putin being properly caned.