The Green Party haven’t come right out and said, “This is a stick up.” Instead they have implied that they won’t reward someone who behaved the way I did. In arenas where knowledge is power conversely lack of knowledge is powerlessness, meaning, in this situation, that if you don’t understand preemptive framing you are liable to miss what was done; likewise if you abhor being asked to acknowledge the word prerogative. Police prerogative is its most common conjunction. It means the judicial advocacy for the idea that in a case where two guns have been drawn, no witnesses, a dead suspect, no films, the claim the cop shot in self defense is assumed as a function of police professionalism. Our society of course has struggled with evidence that this is often siding in the wrong. What this amounts to is an introduction to the idea that Queers have the prerogative to preemptively frame the issue. It is based on their victimization by AIDS. In other words, they do not have to admit that they are refusing to compensate someone who was forced into untenable extremity, in crimes which they had no right to commit.
I call this Seattle Teflon because nothing sticks and yet the stakes are higher than ever with the covid bonus aggression. The rabid would held forth that the poison in the mouth, the rape of deaf Jeannie were King County tribal blessings, African safeguards, attempts to ward off the needle of the stick up. All of this shows you that covid was developed in a context. The excuse they give, Jimmy’s letter to Leslie, squeaks.