The University of Pittsburgh Indexologists working for Trump are quite adroit.  Britain makes themselves out to be the crusaders for democracy who defeated Hitler but they really couldn’t be bothered until he bit them.  To capture this spirit of the English Pitt assigned watchdog and manipulator Brian Gersitt for Britain.  The Ger stands for the growl of Germany and the sitt stands for the command that binds them.   Many such Oxford fingerprints of the Pittsburgh quislings runs through the machinery of Carnegie Mellon’s outposts.   The British went right to work re-framing their special target, a child from the Eisenhower/Kennedy era who they earmarked to make sure that it could never develop music culturally and socially.  

         Donald Trump recently advertised his fascism with a bray about good genes or what Hitler would whine about the best blood.   Tired from his long game, aren’t you glad you don’t have AIDS yet Creary, this doesn’t surprise me and greatly traumatizes me to address.  Dr. Kimberley Mathos pointed out to no avail as a psychiatrist for the deaf in Pittsburgh that injuries of the sort that Rosa targeted and exploited for the NAACP alliance with the KKK in East Liberty don’t injure all the areas of the brain.  It is more like a King Crimson record smorgasbord.  Parts f the brain can be easily manipulated.  Donald chose one where some of the available areas of the brain would drive the Pitt NAACP into rages of envy and hostility, a cultured, pretty little Donaldson from Topeka.

          Trump’s international entourage is far more important to The White House than us.  The street people are being Stalinized consciously by Nancy Pelosi for the play.  Antifa if there really were any such thing, would be a doomed alliance with the Beatles, who the inner cities of America can never escape, even though McCartney published pictures of himself gloating stoned with JFK’s widow and assassin, who held the fatal weapon in her glove.   In torturing me for years and years with Ming Na Wen and John Shulman, making 200 million dollars on 200 thousand lives in the Covid bomb for the NAACP at WQED or something, the Beatles used the signifier FF for Friendly Fascism, a book they also made sure I was delivered while Rosa was deceiving and targeting their implanted trauma.  The money invested in Wen’s pornography is the entire deal in the AIDS attack.   The more you learn about it the prouder they are of themselves.

          After they murdered my father, who refused in his lifetime even to travel through German airspace, Germany got the last laugh with Green Party graffiti, scrawls about injecting people and donohue on his obituary.   Then the assassins secretly announced that they would abort any child of mine I tried to conceive.   They have a standing nuclear threat from the 911 division should I try to date anyone.  Meanwhile, their attorneys are hard at work on cultural jurisdiction for the Crown from strategically signifier W - QE - D.  

        The social processes of the 60’s bore strange fruit.   After murdering our suit and tie leadership, Martin Luther King, John Lennon told his followers to strip.  They invented a strip machine called rock music and put out the Broadway Musical HAIR to help out CMU and Godspell in human trafficking.   This was to set up the Two Virgins Pussyball AIDS warfare Army game for Greg Karl and Yoko Ono and their agent Ming Na Wen, working with John Shulman and Warhol Museum.

           The Stalinization of America caused by the Vietnam War is a National Socialist Army.  It is deeply rooted in the pro-Black sensibility at the Veteran’s Administration known as Nativism.  The Southern cross burners teach the Black gangs how to manipulate and use fear, execution on the streets, gangster and Japanese yakuza tactics like child kidnapping and rape.   The Unions in Pittsburgh support this through the clubhouse movement.  This secret Nazification of the United States is controlled by Great Britain and in their linkage with Russia to a great measure by Donald Trump.  Meanwhile, Nancy Pelosi, who is an expert at this, watches their backs, using the CIA to taunt their target in this case with pictures of Larry Clum only shown from the back after they poisoned him with something that caused a stroke to get his clubhouse for their crime team.

         Meanwhile, a St. Louis gal, St. Louis has always been in on all of this, put up a signifier of the alliance TULIP for the plan by Trump and the NAACP (TU = Temple University) to poison me in the mouth (my lip inflamed with a disease looking welt when we were camping that spread to my mouth.  Cho taunted me openly about it after they killed Donnie Chin and before they murdered Saoirse.  I have made the mistake of telling Little Saigon’s President Tran that if they were involved in AIDS I would make them wish they were dead.  He knew that the Queers were already in Warhol’s pocket and that Antifa are friendly fascists, so he was eager to get some laughs over that).  Elsewhere on the same page it seems to say Covid in the way a Kodak dated photo from 1966 taken of me is before a garage spraypainted I love Sira Siran.  The Beatles hired a Warhol attorney immediately to claim I self-inflicted a sarin style head wound as they continued to pick off Kennedys.

          Nativists join the Army so they can advance the manner of Southern grudges as Martial Law and operate out of the VA.  They get cerebral because the choking smokers of Britain are so sly.  The CIA or something laced the poison of the British mind through an online ad appealing, like a Star Trek villain, to what love I still have for extended members of my family, who they routinely target for murder, playing all coo.  The mad inventor of all of this, an assassin from King Crimson long associated with Shulman and Wen, wants to enforce the Southern battle code by calling a man who tortured and gassed me the Spirit of Hitler and Lennon, war and peace, love as slavery: KC.
