Halloween 2020 saw psychological evidence by a Texas re-enactment of 1963 when Trump fascists surrounded the legitimate ruler of the United States, forced it off the campaign road and not a cop to be seen lifted a hand in democracy’s defense, just like Nazi Germany. If you think of the spider from Mars that kills Kennedys as a vice grip, the play on Biden matches Inslee’s play on Crary made hand in glove for Trump. Jack Ruby, as these exhibits will show, operated a nationwide burlesque of brothels stretching to Pittsburgh’s notorious Mayor Barr. Foreign rabid (English) and their lovelace marionette pedophile puppetshow continue to murder innocent people perfuming a performance package put together to sell dead Kennedys for Ringo Starr and King Crimson’s project of profiteer.
Ramos scurried more than doomed newsmen under their desks in the time of the great Putiin/Stone North Korean Hoopers Bomb Scare of Sherman Alexie. Magistrate Pechman took cover in no time as well. Pechman you may recall from the chapterings of Warhol ruled against me vis-a-vis my mother, citing my naming McCartney in stating she would be unable to secure jurisdiction from the highest court in the State of Washington, a Federal Court. One realizes at once why the Last Name Club chose Barrett.
Nancy Moore has the double agency name of Strom Thurmond’s wife and the middle name of dad’s first wife’s oldest daughter as agency name dropped Norma Jeanne into my sister’s middle name for the DeMille burlesque on progressivism. Ono’s team of slave traffickers placed the doll Onassis as her assassin sister in the limousine. After the UW transvestites hired by Sinfield and Ringo to process their trafficking show in Seattle murdered Saoirse, they pause, checked their refrigerator of poisons, and gave the signal to make more demands for something they admit correctional but play dumb is Jericho. The FIrst Name Club produced a nuclear threat from Martin on the eve of covid. Judge Pechman ruled that a child mutilated by his own mother’s Union gang has no right of escape or property because deaf. A donor mother who gave the child to Jewish vivisectioinists for a kinder gentler extermination plan which, as the NAACP would advise, is never not for profit, calling the exterminators costs a little extra. The Jews named their Fulton Mini house of horrors Project Gutendorf, or ooglop and the Dutch..
Debra Martin and Andrea Swimmer are the odd couple of the bunch. Pulled together for Ark/Artek and the Kaspercity they grouped under Dave Demarest at CMU, who also employed Nancy Moore. While Swimmer laughed about feeding the slaves in Eastern extremity protein, Martin announced that she was shocked! Shocked that women were preaching free love on campus.
From this they extrusion oozed the rabbit jackal of Shulman/Gabriel book collections.
The Shinto Shrine outfit of Rosemary Willis was a common package in Neva porn. Will-lessness was the frame induced in the golem, now hostage to the Kennedy killing murder hornets or Spiders from NWAsian Mars. The rabid interrupted this attempt to notice police by way of public witnesses (you please call them) by lisping that American society is inherently a landscape of cultural misappropriation that has no business allowing African or Mexican fashions to be sold or owned. Willlis was indeed a child and this brings us to Seattle and Bowie’s NAAMBLA, organized by brutal armed pimps and sophisticated midget gentry under SONY and Microsoft, what their lead thug Michael Tive called mental midgets.
The children were in on the thrill kill. Gail Burstyn, a mastermind, was 12 working for Queen Elizabeth who sneered that later life ESP would show that dirty child images were in the mind of the golem from their seductions at Fulton Mini. Fat Tive worked with Colucci’s mother on prejudice about the obese, as Lewis Lapham fanned the fumes of De De. Wattenmaker used to brag of being in an Israeli army group for their groping wilding sprees. Leslie Katz was hired to draft the issue into rape genre by morbid impingement for Harvard’s hustlers of pussyball. This was also being hustled by Yale where a boyfriend of fat red-headed Chris Hampton or Munchkin went to school. Munchkin insisted that I, in severe trauma, was much too mature to be considered a child at age 13.
Crowing that I was spying on them in proving they were behind the AIDS attack, UW and Fripp join lobby using WIINIDOWS to home invasion in lisping they are entitled to the proceeds. The message is clear in the attacks on the Kennedys and Biden’s campaign bus - we are dealing with infected minds, but infected by what? By Bowie’s Germanic assertion “We don’t want to be changed,” they poured themselves into an orgy of mandatory self immolation and degradation as though inverting a dominant paradigm. This how the VW got the Pho Bac when Luckky Dong but a paradigm was beiing subverted. Gail Burstyn, Jewish segregationist, was welcomeiing the STRONG and well hung among the master division. Who killed JFK? JR did in Dallas (Jailhouse Rock).
Eisen and his British neighbor of nasty hung out with Robert Lee, a vicious Japanese, code named for I donohue. Their machine put out the false promise of Amnesty International secretly to signify Eye for an Eye against innocent bystanders. They sent in the revenge machine for Hiroshima, your eye, you there your eye, pluck, pluck, pluck, pluck the harp of Burma for Shannon and Saorise, Paul commends you, pluck, pluck, pluck. Muhammed Alii is Shocked! Shocked! To discover Spike ole Lee with cleft lipped Italians standing over the body of Norma’s lover DT.
Tive showed his strip tease pen on the porch beside Obama’s dog pedigree advisor Robin Lipscomb, a black woman with an imaginarly Hitler mustache, needinig a souop spoon. After telling me his “De-Virginization of Sarah” story Tive took me to the porch where Jeff Kennedy sang, “Oh I went to St. James Place and saw her lying there, so strip so bare.” Then to the office of Gov. Milton Shapp, and ooh, they gave me a dog Shepp who hadda be put to sleep for barking.
Some people do want change but the Green Party is mobilized to headhunt them for Trump. In the entrapment allowance of Nazi police and corrections, invading our very homes, the dialectic between protest (exhibitionism) something like Hotlips saying fuck you and voyeurism, in the power of the voyeurs, slave labors dissertation as the attackers behind AIDS demand you explain your love affairs for their gratification.
Oswald was speaking for Hitler when he said, “I’m just a patsy,” and Pitt, the nature of reality.
Like Tive’s strip tease pen the lower 50% is prone to indecency.
Pittsburgh’s “Provincial norm” (according to Ralph Proctor)
They were expectiing me to testify eventually, it’s too much fun