Awareness that the rabid is supported has more to do with getting into the minds of many of the victims than with understanding the dacoitery of the parochial savage.   The real problem however is that the steering committee did the most damage by overlapping the thought processes of the killers on the victims and planting rabble rousers among them willing to die for the cause, as both Sean Strub and Michel Foucault did.  The ruse was to render the fight club inescapable and get the victims to put up a fight against investigation that would clear the path for the covid tragedy.   Keeping Queer rage alive, hot button, stoked with thrill kill, was the job of Midori Goto.  Case manager John Stockwell hummed publicly that in such an operation the role of the FBI was just to stand by and allow it to happen.  That is their complicity function.   Seattle, satisfied with the gimmicks provided by Trump and Gabriel didn’t even look for explanations.  Covid now smolders with Queer rage.   You might ask, am I saying that Covid is revenge for AIDS?  Well, no, I’m saying that the Queers are operating in support of those who did both.  Covid just confers the illogical element a new place in their drama.

         All of this was already obvious before the covid attack, before the murder of Saoirse and before the poison in my mouth.  The attackers had promised gangs in Seattle and Pittsburgh that they had too much to gain to oppose their power and one of their most time-honored crank methods was to get them howling that I might get paid for my work if something goes wrong with the Union standpoint.  The designated by ripper murder the Union line in the sand when they banned me from Seattle Central College for trying to save the life of Shannon Harps.  My work may sound like affrontery but I’m still terrified to testify against the suspected mouth poison criminal.

          You might think well the Judiciary and the shall we call it the movement could see how clever it was but didn’t have the resources or gall to admit there were clues.   This leaves the time honored celebration of Seattle’s demented and crazy leadership unquestioned as holy ego phenom.   There is a new article for physicians called The Nuerophysiology of Strategic Thinking but it’s probably decades behind Brian Eno who encrypted the hidden pun of his name in the drug that I complied with hoping to save Harps, atenolol that castrated me.   Moon unit’s  line in the prize fight sand of a penny, HIV status, penfield downs, and virginity was well understood by the Toxic FIght Club in Auburn and Tacoma who put semen in my cup at Red Elm by the use of the +1 signifier that Midori Goto uses to calibrate her own perfection.   This shitfit over Leslie Katz thrown by Yoko Ono was pre-calibrated to the parallel mission of Diamonda Galas and Cliff Robertson, a prefer to believe consortium of hate, spitefulness and malice, wreaking havoc and saying it was done in John Lennon’s name to save the planet.  My Earth Space Science teacher and homeroom when I went to the Governor’s School where I met Lieslie was James Morandini.  The dini Houdini wu dunit I donohue test of Federal Magistrate’s disdain.

         The designaters surrounded Don Jukes like one of Don’s jokes.  1025 Liverpool, 10/25 being the birthday both Goto and Nancy Moore/Donaldson, just as today is both HIrothito’s son’s birthday and my father’s whose voice could be heard on the radio at Tory’s Bar in Tokyo from the ship again, is near CCAC which sports huge decapitated peace signs, signifying the death in the family strategy of the government’s twist on the family true of military points outhighernessin human rights in the Book of Ono wrongful search by brainbeam.

         The attackers are looking for the flluxus last word that allows them their slay, the you really won of the blackout cut to the stop / continue command of Patricia Fripp’s frenzied feminazism in support of Zell.  They needed a Hitler dummy to lampoon America by.   Following Frank HErbert’s theory of Orange Catholic Breeding Schemes, the attackers iiin the publishing palace put into spin Oswalt of Napaskiak as a scribble on the brain about Nagasaki and Walt Disney who opened DisneyWorld Two the day they were finished with JFK at the Win / Lose Service of Tacoma.   

     Stockwell and Lapham long chided me and built their terrible ordeal on the claim that I cudda understood the sanskrit of Rushdie and wish  you well Bush leading to Acadie and the war game about AIDS.  The discrete management of their mongering found me with bone loss and a rattling in the ear at a strangely named ear doctor on the eve of Saoirse’s funeral.  They can’t cure the rattle.