Take this dialogue:   A. If you believe that abortion isn’t murder you will believe anything.   B. That’s not true, having a child is a complex issue of economics, ability to care, and preparedness, while making love is considered healthy in a relationship by many personal care physicians.   C. Masturbation seems secondary to this dialogue. If you take that dialogue you will find yourself front and center of the political issues that are considered too extreme, eccentric or frightening to address even by Harvard, even when used for a dramatic military backstab, even when used to empower escalation dominance by those in the attacks.   That is agitating enough that, as predicted by the criminals at work, silence has drowned understanding. They will say they are not criminals, and so you don’t want to get drawn into it. Okok.

        So we shall imagine a future where you marry (Seals) or you are set free forever (Crofts), following Texas Schoolbook in Story of the Bird from Pentagon Disney and Casino Reality.    They think of this fandango as a moral flub. It’s extremely irritating to make a simple issue like this into a catastrophic topic of whirlwinds galore impending. I can’t help wondering how the City of Seattle can stand themselves.

       The way the parochial antagonists have gone about these actions has varied as we went along.  Just because they are sowing contradictions does not mean it is not the same team, however, we can rationally hope that some in our leadership have essentially got on and doing now what we should have done the first time, which is to offer Timely Warning and Safe Practice Encouragement.  Our politicians have play-acted as though they don’t know how to speak sensibly to the public about the issues.

         The tactic used by the Beatles with Vicky Funari and UW Sociology to coerce performativity out of me and make me into their analytical toy sale was expressed by Sandra Wyllie catcalling another one:  

They Wear Their Masks

to cover up. Recirculating their/own breath in a paper cup. They/look as death, these walking zombies/emerging from their places, hiding morose/faces. All you see are beady eyes from/cipher warlocks that scurry by. Paper Mache/on the streets/in the subway. Their smiles/have been erased. They won’t extend/their arm for a handshake. Scared as rats/of what will spread. Boil the sheets of their own/bed. Spraying everything/wiping it/down. Chemicals sit as lice on top of every/frigging device that is found. Sanitizers/everywhere. All I see are fearful stares. It’s/not a world I want to live in, where people/are afraid of touching each other and kissing./© 10 hours ago   

reproduced from AllPoetry.com

     After which coercive slavery and poison crime ultimatum they also subjected me to reduced sexual function.  It is important to note the history of my evidence that this coercive mentality was psychology by the aggressor lobby seeking to provoke self-destruction.

     Compassionate Social Distancing extends self-love to the other and shows that you understand this grave emergency. Persons trespassing into your social space in this emergency are not asking for love they are demanding the right to show they do not love you. This is also true of your own abridgement if you do the same. Practice not touching your face and hands until we get this under control.

Found at Sex.com today reproduced in support for our crying brothers in Italy and the traumatized globe.

Found at Sex.com today reproduced in support for our crying brothers in Italy and the traumatized globe.