Paul McCartney didn’t say, if you’re like me.  He conjured an iron bias by wowing Pittsburgh with the claim they are just like Liverpool, which is expressive of their source John Shulman locked up for horrible heists done with Amanda Harcourt, his ripper hatter attache.   They neither plan to make amends, nor could they for the lives they stolen, wrecked, murdered, raped and left destroyed while Penis Gabriel brayed of being a God of Amnesty at NASA, projecting terrible crimes on innocent people to pronounce doom by dacoitery in his own bloody glove agency, hideous, befouled and rancid with avengement on snitching.  Penis is like Gollum, he likes to wetpetter his ripper blade crooning of spiritual property.

Peter Gabriel will have you, have you and have you and have you.

Peter Gabriel will have you, have you and have you and have you.