American political media has done incalculable harm to the interests of American education. For example, Liberals are constantly smeared with responsibility for abortion. It gets traced casually back to JFK by way of a few champagne style photographs of the Kennedys with Marilyn Monroe and then associated with bigots who are greater moralists featuring Henry Wade, the battle hardened Dallas Sheriff who staged Oswald, let in Ruby and then starred in Roe vs. Wade where you see half of Mon/Roe while they circulated a half dollar to imply that Kennedy was half a man. In his 1959 campaign book, A Strategy of Peace,John Fitzgerald Kennedy made clear that he did not believe American population could or should be controlled by abortion because the idea is repugnant to Americans, including himself. It took many sentences to straighten that out. Professors of higher learning have other priorities or sometimes are invested in the confusion that has become a crooked establishment in rhetoric associating Kennedy liberalism with abortion to the point where abortion is mandatory for liberalism to be authentic.
When I was campaigning in the 80's against Apartheid in a divestment movement at the University of Pittsburgh where I had a voice sufficient to get my views aired in the mainstream Pittsburgh Post Gazette a racist laughed at me and told me, "If you try to help Black people they will only turn on you." Unbeknowest to me at that time Mr. Douglas and his son had the ear of a gang at the local NAACP whom I was confiding in, advocating for locally and together they set up a deranged action to humiliate and injure me so badly and so spitefully that I was homeless for two years, lapsed into seizures, my life destroyed, my life's work lost, and in fact it is why I ended up here. Rather than allow such monsters to get the last word I have continued to associate casually across the race lines with peers, write multicultural poetry, share my appreciations, read about Civil Rights, and advocate for equity with one proviso: While it is clearly affirmative and laudable for white people, even mandatory for white people, to have a Good Neighbor Policy towards their African American contemporaries, and seek equity in health and welfare, housing and employment, status and achievement, if Black people themselves do not have a Good Neighbor Policy towards whites there is absolutely nothing further to discuss. There is nothing racist at all in being forced to face up to such a prisoners' dilemma. Even if your heart is in the right place it is pointless to advocate for those whose are not.
Our society has been poisoned by faceliars, a term I coined meaning to-the-face-liars. Rather than endure more of it I have largely bowed out, not least because the criminally insane in the Green Party at UW Sociology have in mind this spiteful idea of Socrates that they should be allowed to poison me, drag me to the microphone and I will stand there yammering it is okay peace people of Athens. The reality is that I have seen the Green Party's Israeli orcs, for example, do things so sickening and deranged that I have been shut down even in private therapy and told not to discuss it. These are Jewish components of a movement involving child molesters who believe if they have sex once with a confused and traumatized teen they own their target's name for life. Germany created the Green Party and these are special agent Israelis that they have decided they've taken a shining to after all.
You wouldn't know from their diversion authority in Black Lives Matters what gives. I was banned from Seattle Community College for daring to try and save the life of Shannon Harps before she was murdered and then incarcerated over Christmas at NAVOS Detention Center for protesting that she was killed. When I got back here from graduating at last from college with the help of a deaf woman the Union brutally raped to punish her for teaching me sign language, Sound Mental Health poisoned me in the mouth. Who were the men who killed Shannon? Two lookalike white men. They were advocates for Black Lives Matters???? Yes they were. This is the mentality of Tammo DeJongh whose family matters were said to be a council ruling over the AIDS experiment I was used for on Mt. Desert Island in 1988. DeJongh is a guru that led into the Gurdiev kluk and partnership with Colin Powell of Robert Fripp. The Green Party is Axis control but they are equal opportunity employers.
Finally it was said that I spoke wrong, I wasn't correctness its very self, and to make this play they ignored that there are implanted neuroprompters from an office at Carnegie Mellon who openly sported the issue with cartoons about mind control on their door, shocking implants that are visible in my facial nerve.
Now these monsters control UW, nobody doubts that. They have Microsoft for their tower of artificial intelligence plastic reality projection. If you were to tell a small child after playing them the impressive Dun Dun Dun dunnnnnnn of Beethoven's Fifth that by miracle no person ever who listens to the entire record ever hears the same thing. They would be dazzled and maybe credulous enough to tell it to all their friends. However, we at MisterRogers really know that everyone who hears the opening chords of the Fifth can anticipate the episodes that follow, so it is really rather silly to suggest that nobody else noticed how the bellwether Greta Thunberg, and the fireball that killed an Iranian General from the Tweeter on Mt. Olympus, and all the hype about Australia's fire set up the Covid bomb or that two more Kennedys disappeared when I vowed to open a case at 1717 Federal where I suspect Saoirse's picture is on their wall for their dartboard.