Greta is a gentlewoman who, if she knew of my hacked crisis, would accuse me of special pleading for Greta. However, her human condition is every bit as endangered as my own or Navalry’s and I am deeply concerned. The attackers have my narrative installed to appear to be a reckless driver endangering her. I wrote to The Pope about how she was installed, herself, with the advent of (while I was at Tacid) of Covid as a trick to make her appear to be to blame. I know the sophistication of the Royal Empire. They have no right to blame her but if it serves them they will. In order to pass their hero-test I must commence to ignore their obsession with knocking out America’s liberal white leadership in favor of transferring my victim status from their banal brutality to a Greta good, Greta than myself. The trashy invisible mind of Ono is all over what happened in Pittsburgh and her Nazi mystique as the progenitor of Love/Hate philosophy. They even stuck her name in Greta’s. This Dialectical UWists no doubt hum as street scholarship top sacredly reflecting the Elders’ mind while kissing off on our grannies.
Blacks are so different, Ono’s foreign screechers yammer in tongues that nothing they say is authentic if it derives in any ways from anything white. 2 + 2 = 4 is a deception by the pale white thing who calls the distribution of 3 + 1 = equity. Brilliants love to be mistaken as flunkies. I became very aware of why I was banned from the UW Dialectical Plantation bookstore when I got a look at the book I bought. It argues that the “divine order of geometric proportion that regulates the real good,” is immediately subverted by “the incommensurable” whenever people and their politics enter into play. It renders standard monger about, “the inequality of desire, the boundless appetite that makes vulgar souls go round in a vicious cycle of pleasure,” (Ranciere) where among the learned elsewhere we read from feminist Japan that Japanese men are, “a giant parade of lechers,” pouring into Korea (Yayuri Matsui). Who can doubt then the divine vengeance and equity of The Green Party’s earthbound friendly fires put to the bong of an Exxon flame over Africa? Ladle out a little pussyball sniff-sniff for N’dour, then we will see.
A secret society, largely Catholic who beholden’ater’d the trust of the NAACP to their auspices reveals the print of genetic planning. They sowed the fields of sin with name signifiers, Vendetta Sanders a great example, for the Plague Mass pussyball derby. All that I am doing is limning and rendering the facts accurately. The fact that covid was planned is established by how they poisoned me in my mouth first.
This secret society rides enduringly in Pennsylvania. Today’s discussion will explore their conventional byways and the fact that they masquerade, often, for example, as teachers knowingly training a cadre of purposefully misled students who arrive by homework at their duty call, rising on their own incentive to promote the mislead. There are, of course, studied deceivers in their midst who do understand. Today’s discussion will help a sincere person identify this Green Party hooliganism as well as their deadly backblade. The rise of the exterminators comes packaged as Lennon’s spirit, whose long stall and bulwark of denials postponed the call for Ecology while they gamed his charade. This Trojan fact remains their lewd face.
Note what they did to me in passing and that there was nowhere to report such a crime. Unlike Reagan who Schwarzenegger insists Greta handmaiden, Greta can be believed if she didn’t know or took Covid for what she said it to be a warning call from nature, but I’m not her attorney, I’m biased by love for her. Suckering me has always been their favorite play just as they did the Kennedys brothers with that Onassis girl.
Screwtape, the Jack Ruby Joint, listens in from genocide peep. In this marital and martial law codex only the virtuous have the right to say we do. The others will be done and done away. Scarcity, their argument, arises from mismanagement by the colossus. In Afghanistan, the aw poors waited patiently for this great thing we call democracy only to be subjected to the scientific cronyism and corruption we call America. Covid is a done deal but lying about what has happened isn’t. Greed takes no prisoners. The telltale malice is clear in Seattle.
Midori was a zygote when they were authoring her role that she at least certainly loved and they call me taking as though a fly to McCartney pie. The brilliants couldn’t care less if you accept their brutal psychology. The worst form of Mississippi corrections apply in Seattle where you even try to go to eat. Blackologic seethes with spoonfed claims. Absolutely driven by the lusts of Donald Trump, Seattle Left acts out the exact spite he takes them for. This is because the NAACP are only too happy to be his hirelings and one mustn’t mistake that fact.
The very psychology that Zappa advanced to punish freedom of speech is the clarion call by where black hate rises in Hollywood moguldom and the grimacing wieners of pervert law call their excuse for fulfillment of text revenge. So we know that they laugh as our grannies fall, after all they took to McCartney pie as their call.
Complicity to the mirrormaster, Ringo Starr.