This mention was so abstracted in a day’s walk that I breezily nearly put it aside. The scribbles themselves are dog-eared and nearly indecipherable. However, reasonable evidence showing that Ringo Starr is the gangster behind AIDS and Covid 19 does ask a little review and direct statement on the record.
Sociology is devil worship. That is why the DW in DW Griffith caught on with Biblical scholars who saw the science of the cathode ray tube in the rise of Hollywood as the perfect end time’s statement and Oppenheimer just made it worse. The rabid murdered JFK because they constructed and impinged the persona of usurper by getting their spies to cal his retinue Camelot. Don saw the white mountain tinted with red.
Legally, the government pulled, as hisser and pisser would say, before and after science impeachment to level with our planet about climate change. It was not unilateral. How legal however is moot. When Reagan ran I asked his position on the environment and he sent me a list with environment at the bottom accompanied by a comment to the effect that it was okay so long as all Americans get a piece of the expanding pie. Not even Biden is moving swiftly to create a new generation of botany and climate teachers for schools.
Loyalty to cause, however, is a given since the rabid have Ringo.
The US Government ruled in Action CO2-623 that they are unable to establish jurisdiction in the United States against the Beatles. The Beatles by contrast established jurisdiction in Dealey Plaza. They used Saoirse and Ultrahigh to remind the golem of Escalation Dominance, as well as Hiroshima grudge. Burstyn used some terms like ONOFANGLOOMING which clearly identify what really would have happened if the cuckoo came too too soon for them. She also referred to a boffin.
Ringo used Starsinic to confide his partnership with Greg the impinger in arsenic and old rock stars. A girl with rings on Mt. Desert Island who picked on me would say, AH BOY like a sexy sigh, all accented purple wiith the dregs of deep New England, so you should wonder when Aub Boyton gives me a bug pin, Auburn nutters pretending to be on the Left put semen in my coffee while passing deranged laws against the right of homeless people to exist.
These are Jays pals.